How to Bulk Upload Sites (Desktop)

What: Bulk upload your entire site list via Bulk Upload with a few simple steps.  

Who: Power Users and anyone with the "Add Site" permission can bulk upload assets.


Bulk uploads can only be done on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.


Select "Sites" from the navigation on the left side.


Select "Create Site" on the top right.

Alternatively, you may select "Site" from the "Create" dropdown on the top navigation from any page.


Select "Bulk Upload".


Click "Download the Site-Bulk-Upload-Template.csv" and open in Excel.

Enter your site information carefully including all required fields as indicated by the *asterisk and as noted in Tenna's help resources.

Pro Tip:

Save your bulk upload template as an .xls file while you are populating it. Remember that in a .csv file, you cannot save formatting. When you are finished populating the template, remember to save a final .csv for your upload.


Once complete, drag and drop your .csv file or click "Select a File to Upload".

You may navigate off the page during this process. When you return, the progress of the upload will be shown until it is complete. 


Review upload successes and/or failures.

If all sites were created successfully without error, you may navigate to the site list via the left navigation.


If any sites failed the upload, download the revision template.

This template lists only the failed sites and a reason in the first column. Use this template to fix any issues as indicated.


After fixing all issues, click "Upload File".

Repeat this process until all assets are successfully added to the system.


Select "Sites" on the left-side navigation to see your site list.

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