How to Edit a Geofence (Desktop)

This article walk through how to make changes to an existing geofence.

Permission Requirements: Users with the Edit/Update Geofences permission have the ability to edit a geofence.

NOTE: Geofences can only be edited in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.


Select "Geofences" on the navigation bar on the left-hand side.


Find the geofence you would like to edit.

In Grid View, use the search bar at the top of the screen or scroll through the list to find the geofence.

In Map View, manually zoom in to find a geofence.


Click on the "..." button and then select "Edit".

In Grid View, the "..." button is found on the right-hand side of the geofence's line.

In Map View, hover over the pin of the geofence and the identification card will appear. The "..." button is on the top right side.


Make edits to the geofence.

The following edits can be made:

  • Change the geofence name.
  • Change billing property using the Billable on/off toggle. (For editing a boundary or zone only.)
  • Create zones within a boundary. (For editing a boundary only.)
  • Adjust the size or shape of the geofence.
  • Remove the geofence.
  • Use the Google address search bar to search for an address to update the geofence’s pin to the desired address.

NOTE: If the geofence is the only boundary for its site, you will not be able to delete it as every site must have at least one geofence boundary.


Once all edits are made, click the update button on the top right to save your changes.

This button will be grayed out until edits have been made.

Click "Cancel" to undo your edits.

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