Accounting Integration: Viewpoint Spectrum Instructions

New Equipment or Assets

New equipment or assets are entered into Tenna and automatically updated to Spectrum. Our team will help streamline the initial seeding in Tenna with your existing Spectrum equipment.

Initial Asset Load

The Tenna to Spectrum integration allows for the initial seeding of assets to match what is already in your Spectrum system thus ensuring a true synchronization from day one. This process involves steps that will validate accuracy and conformity before the data is loaded into Tenna.

The following steps must be taken prior to the Initial Asset Load:

  1. The Ryvit agent is installed and connected to Spectrum.
  2. The below Integration Set Up Instructions are completed.
Once those items are completed, the following will occur:
  1. The Tenna integrations team will perform an initial Spectrum cache load and review the assets as they are stored in Spectrum.
  2. Validation steps are taken to check for any data that may cause issues in the Tenna platform.
  3. A review is set up with the Spectrum point of contact to go over any potential issues found and make corrections if needed.
  4. A sample of assets will be chosen and loaded into Tenna.
  5. Customer and Tenna will jointly review the assets in Tenna and agree on results or make changes.
  6. After the validation is completed, all assets selected to load into Tenna (via the Send to Tenna flag set to “Y” or those with a data equipment status of “A” or “1” if the Send to Tenna flag is not used) will be released to populate Tenna assets.
  7. You will need to edit the assets in Tenna to add the correct category (all assets will come over with a category of “New from Spectrum”), organization, and bill type. This step can be performed through in a bulk edit if desired.

New Jobs or Sites

New Jobs or sites need to be entered in Spectrum and they will flow into Tenna. All jobs in Spectrum need to have a unique physical address so that Tenna can create the default geofence based on the google geo coordinates of the address.

Initial Jobs Load

The Spectrum to Tenna integration allows for the initial seeding of jobs to match what is already in your Spectrum system thus ensuring a true synchronization from day one. This process involves steps that will validate accuracy and conformity before the data is loaded into Tenna.
The following steps must be taken prior to the Initial Job Load:
  1. The Ryvit agent is installed and connected to Spectrum.
  2. The below Integration Set Up Instructions are completed.
Once those items are completed, the following will occur:
  1. The Tenna integrations team will perform an initial Spectrum cache load and review the jobs as they are stored in Spectrum. Validation steps are taken to check for any data that may cause issues in the Tenna platform.
  2. A review is set up with the Spectrum point of contact to go over any potential issues found and make corrections if needed.
  3. A sample of jobs will be chosen and loaded into Tenna as sites.
  4. Customer and Tenna will jointly review the sites in Tenna and agree on results or make changes.
  5. After the validation is completed, all jobs selected to load into Tenna sites (via the Send to Tenna flag set to “Y” or those with a status code of “A” if the Send to Tenna flag is not used) will be released to populate Tenna sites.
  6. Each new site will render a default geofence which you will need to edit to match the actual job site. Each job needs to have a physical address in the record to render the default geofence with the address being the center point of the geofence.
There are several activities you will need to perform within Spectrum and Tenna to prepare for the integration to be activated. The following pages define these steps, please let us know if there are any questions or concerns.

Integration Set Up Instructions

Initial Load of Assets and sites when Spectrum ERP integration is in scope.

Pre-Validation Steps

  1. Customer to provide extract of assets from Spectrum from Equipment module, this should be the Asset to Tracker Matching file.
  2. Customer to provide extract of jobs from Jobs from Spectrum. If Customer desires to load Spectrum extras into Tenna as sites, they should include them in this extract.
  3. Tenna to validate extracts
    1. Are the equipment IDs consistent? Validate any questions with customers.
    2. Are equipment names what the customer expects to see in Tenna?
    3. Other discrepancies in asset data?
    4. Are jobs addresses valid? Is the full address in Spectrum? (Needed to create geofences, no address will cause irregularities in the geofences).
    5. Address must be complete, including Address1, City, State and Zip at minimum. The physical address must be contained in Address1
    6. Are multiple jobs at the same physical address (or close)? This will cause the integration to fail for subsequent sites with the same of close address in Tenna due to overlapping geofences. Tenna creates a default .25 mile radius geofence for the address in the Spectrum feed, so duplicate addresses of the original job site will fail until the geofence of the original job site is modified.
    7. Any other discrepancies in the site data?

Ryvit Setup Steps

  1. Tenna integration teams needs the following data from the customer to complete the Ryvit onboarding request:
    1. Is the customer’s Spectrum on-prem or cloud based?
    2. Who is the customer’s primary contact for Spectrum knowledge with email and phone?
    3. Is there a primary IT person who would assist in the installation of the Ryvit agent? If so, please provide email and phone.
    4. What is(are) the company code(s) to be synchronized with Tenna?
  2. Tenna to complete the Ryvit onboarding form online.
  3. Tenna to provide the customer with Spectrum requirements document.
  4. Ensure customer has performed the steps required for Ryvit agent integration.

Spectrum Setup Steps

  1. Ensure “Send to Tenna” custom field on equipment is setup (optional).
  2. Ensure Custom field is on Jobs: “Send to Tenna” is setup (optional).
  3. Ensure Equipment type is created in Spectrum
    1. Code = UNASSIGNED
    2. Description = “New from Tenna” (case sensitive)
  4. Ensure customer has installed the RyvitAgent on the server with Spectrum. Ryvit CSM will assist in this setup and configuration.
  5. Ensure customer has performed the SQL user setup request. (Ryvit CSM will assist in this step)
    1. Customer to ensure that the RyvitServiceUser is set up as a Viewpoint Spectrum User and assigned to all applicable Security Group

Tenna Setup Steps

  1. Ensure Category: “New from Spectrum” is entered in Tenna Categories. (case sensitive).
  2. if Assets already exist in Tenna, ensure the fleet number is in the format “Fleet Number/Company_Code”
  3. if sites already exist in Tenna, ensure the Project number is in the format “Project Number/Company_code”

Integration Initialization

  1. Tenna to seed the Ryvit cache. This is done with a ticket to Tenna Software, provide ERP=Spectrum, Customer ID= {The database account_id for the customer} and Ryvit customer No (found on the Ryvit app for the customer ie..
  2. Tenna to activate the customer’s Ryvit integration. This should be on the same ticket created in the above step. The Engineering team will seed the Ryvit cache and then activate the Ryvit integration using the data provided.
  3. Tenna integration onboarding exercise. This is a call with the customer to turn on integration and monitor single transactions for each flow prior to activating the automated flows.
  4. Tenna to ensure all assets and locations are loaded from Spectrum.

Edit of Assets loaded from Spectrum into Tenna

  1. At this point, the customer has two options:
    1. Have Tenna create an extract of assets that were brought over from Spectrum using the bulk upload template where the customer will edit the spreadsheet with the correct categories, etc that did not come from Spectrum and Tenna to execute a bulk edit from that file into Tenna. This option is mainly for customers with a large number of assets.
    2. Customer to manually edit Tenna asset by asset to add categories and other pertinent data points required by Tenna. If the customer has a small number of assets, this is easier for them.

Asset extraction from Tenna (If option A chosen)

  1. Tenna to create an extraction of assets into a bulk-edit template.
  2. Tenna to identify any missing data that is required within Tenna and work with customer to get the data populated into the templates.
  3. Tenna to create an internal ticket to track the bulk edit efforts.
  4. Tenna to perform bulk-edits in the Tenna database of those additional data points.

Support: For questions, reach out to the Tenna Integrations Department [email protected].

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