TennaMINI Installation Location Recommendations

The location of your TennaMINI tracker is very important! Follow these recommendations for installation locations to allow for the best possible performance.

✅ Install the tracker with a clear view of the sky

  • This allows for the tracker to have the best possible view to GPS satellites, have the best possible view to the sun (for charging using the solar cell), have the best possible view to cellular towers.
  • Be sure that the top surface of the tracker (with the Tenna logo) faces directly upward to the sky for best GPS performance.
  • Allow Solar trackers to get full sun exposure for best performance.

✅ Install the tracker so it is unobstructed.

  • Installing a tracker with a clear view to the sky that is potentially obstructed by an asset’s metal grating, overhead cover, booms, or other asset extensions can cause degradation in the tracker’s ability to view GPS satellites, the sun, or cellular towers.
  • Keep the sides of the tracker at least 2” away from vertical metal surfaces for best cellular performance.

✅ Install the tracker away from hot areas of the asset.

The tracker should not be placed close to areas of the asset that may generate heat. Some of these locations may include: the engine, a muffler, an exhaust pipe, an exhaust vent, a motor, and others.

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