Idling Report (Desktop)

What: The purpose of the Idling report is to detail how much time a truck, vehicle or piece of equipment spends idling and not traveling while the engine is running. Using this report, managers can reduce fleet fuel costs by educating drivers and minimizing idle time.  

Average idle time is inferred by Tenna based on the cumulative hours received from AEMP and what is captured by Tenna trackers.  

Trackers: Assets with the following trackers will pull into this report for the time period selected, provided the tracker is installed, verified and online: 

  • TennaFLEETTracker OBD II 
  • TennaFLEETTracker JBUS 
  • TennaFLEETII (with or without TennaCAMor TennaCAM2.0) 
  • TennaINAEMP 
  • TennaCANbus 

If an asset has no data as a result of its tracker being offline during the selected time frame, it may not appear in the report.  

Note: TennaMINIdevices (Plug-In, Plug-In Solar and 2.0)devices only capture ignition ON and OFF states and cannot determine when an engine is actively running vs. idling. TennaCANbus will allow this in the future. 

Equipment idling displayed in this report will be from AEMP assets if available from the manufacturer (Caterpillar, John Deere, Komatsu, Volvo, United Rentals).

Data from the Idling report is paginated and can be exported as “All Results” or “Only Displayed” (i.e., only displayed on that page). Each page displays trips for 100 assets. The default display is sorted by the Fleet No. column in ascending order.  

Who: All users can see the Idling report. This report is not tied to a permission. It is a part of the TennaCORE product suite (i.e., not tied to a premium product).  

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.  

When: The default range for viewing the Idling report is one month ago to today.  The report collects all the trips for each asset during the selected date range, displayed per asset. The quick date range options are Today, Yesterday, Previous Week, Previous Month. You can select a max date range of 180 days in the past. These time periods are shown in the account time zone as determined per Settings>Configurations.  

Note: AEMP assets are hidden from the Idling Report by default, but can be made visible via checking the “Show assets with TennaIN AEMP Integration” box in the date selector menu. When checked, AEMP assets will be visible in the report regardless of whether they have data for the selected time period.  

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Where: The idling report is located under the Performance report group from the main reports page.  

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It is also accessible from the Reports drop down menu at the top of the platform under the Performance section.  

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Sample Report – Overview of Idling Report Fields 

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  • Major Category: Results in the Idling report are driven by an asset’s category type. Assets categorized as Equipment, Truck or Vehicle will pull into the Idling Report if their tracker is online and they had activity during the time period the report is run for. The exception is AEMP assets which, if checked to appear in the report, will always be shown regardless of reported activity for that time period.  
    • The Asset Category column group is collapsed by default. If expanded, columns will be shown for Subcategory 1, Subcategory 2 and Subcategory 3. 
  • Fleet Number: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details. Hovering over the link will show a popover with the asset’s image (if there is one). The eye icon on this popover will also take you to the Asset’s Details.

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  • Asset Name: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details. Hovering over the link will show a popover with the asset’s image (if there is one). The eye icon on this popover will also take you to the Asset’s Details.  
    • The Asset Details column group is collapsed by default. If expanded, additional columns will be shown for Status, Year, Make, Model, Org Level, Site Assignment, and Tracker Type

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  • Total Idle Time: Values in this column capture the sum of all idle time from the total trip duration for all trips per asset within the selected date range, shown in hours:minutes:seconds . Idling is captured as a distinct event and the duration per trip is shown in this column. Idling is reported when the engine is on (ignition: ON) and the vehicle is moving at less than 5mph for a period of three to five minutes, depending on the model of your fleet tracker. Tenna fleet trackers have timers that record and report when an asset is running and is not moving.  
    • For vehicles that support idling identification, they will report idling in this column by TennaFLEET OBD II, TennaFLEET JBUS, TennaFLEET II, TennaCAM and TennaCAM 2.0.

Note: Idling time duration excludes times when the OEM-installed Power Takeoff (PTO) is engaged, in most cases. TennaFLEET II Trackers, TennaCAM 2.0 and TennaCANbus can detect if OEM PTO is engaged for a vehicle so that even if its not moving, we will not capture idle time.

  • % Idle: This shows the percentage of time the asset is reported idling (idle duration) based on the overall run time for that trip (trip duration).  
  • Average Idle Time per Trip: This shows the average idle time across all reported trips within the selected date range, shown in hours: minutes: seconds.
    • Trips for AEMP assets are unknown, so N/A is shown for AEMP assets.
  • Idle Fuel Consumed: Fuel consumed in an idle state in gallons. This data is only available for the TennaCANbus tracker.

Idling Report FAQs 

  1. How does the AEMP feed/integration-based idling work? 

By default, AEMP assets are not included in this report, however, they can be incorporated by toggling on the “Show AEMP Assets” option under the date selector. When you opt to show these assets, all of your AEMP assets will be included in the list, even if Tenna has not received an update for that asset from the OEM. Therefore, it’s normal to see assets listed in the report that have no data, however, it’s likely only an nearer-term situation where Tenna did not receive feed info yet at the time the report was run(or the asset is not connected correctly).  

Reporting intervals vary by OEM vs. Tenna trackers which report and are processed as soon as a trip/cycle ends. When Tenna observes an increase in hours from the machine’s OEM data feed, which can be as fast as every few hours, we infer idle duration for heart beat trips based on the cumulative idle hours received. For AEMP assets, Total Idle Time = the sum of the idle duration for all heartbeats received for that date range. % Idle = dividing the total run time based on the duration captured in heartbeats, divided the idle duration captured in heartbeats. Average Idle Time per Trip cannot be calculated for AEMP assets as we Tenna does not receive trip/cycle data as received by Tenna trackers.  

  1. Does idle time count towards utilization? 

Idle time does count toward utilization. When a machine is running, it contributes to wear and tear on the asset, and Tenna factors run time into utilization regardless of whether idling took place during that run time event.  

  1. How is idling determined? 

Idling is captured as a distinct event and the duration per trip is shown in the idling column. Idling is reported when the engine is on (ignition: ON) and the vehicle is moving at less than 5mph for a period of three to five minutes. Tenna fleet trackers have timers that record and report when an asset has ignition: ON and is not moving.  

For vehicles that support idling identification, they will report idling in this column by TennaFLEETOBD II, TennaFLEETJBUS, TennaFLEETII, TennaCAMand TennaCAM2.0. 

  1. Does Tenna track fuel usage during idling times? 

Fuel usage during idle time is captured in the Travel Summary report, which is part of Tenna’s premium Asset Activity license. Please contact your Account Manager for more info on adding Asset Activity to your account.  

The TennaCANbustracker will capture fuel usage during idle timeif providedby the asset. In the future, idle fuel capture will also be available for TennaFLEETII and TennaCAM2.0s through a firmware configuration update.  

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