Geofence Enter/Exit Report (Desktop)

What: The purpose of the Geofence Enter/Exit Report is to identify all assets that have entered and exited each geofence automatically.  

There are several applications for the data in this report. You can extrapolate when an asset arrived at a particular jobsite at a particular time to prove a delivery/drop off, see when an asset left a particular location to track the movement of assets between yards and jobsites or plants and borrow pits, etc.  

Pro Tip: this versatile report can be used to reconcile with billing on jobsites, material yards or plants, reconcile with the load count onsite, cut and fill zone efficiency, compliance with company policies, identify breaches that may indicate theft during off-hours and more.  

Trackers: Assets with any Tenna tracker can pull into the Geofence Enter/Exit report for the time period selected, provided the tracker is installed, verified and online. 

Note: Assets tracked with QR tags will appear in this report as well, prompted when the asset is first scanned within a geofence, however they will never have exit entries. These assets will appear as entries into every geofence they are scanned within.  

Data from the Geofence Enter/Exit Report is paginated to increase loading speed and can be exported as “All Results” or “Only Displayed” (i.e., only displayed on that page). Each page displays 100 Assets. The default display is sorted numerically by the Geofence Name / Geofence Type in ascending order. Asset entry and exit activity within each geofence is sorted by the entry time in ascending order.  

Who: Users with the Geofence permission turned ON can access this report. This report is part of TennaCORE and is not tied to a premium product license.  

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.

Where: The Geofence Enter/Exit report is organized within the Sites & Geofences reports and is accessible via Reports on the left nav, under the Sites & Geofences category or via the Reports drop down shortcut at the top of the screen under Sites & Geofences. 

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When: The default range for viewing this report is One Week ago through Today. Quick date range options include Today, Yesterday, Previous Week and Previous Month.  

Results are shown for start and end dates in the account time zone. You can select a max date range of 90days’ worth of results.  

Note: This report is based on active geofences and does not include closed or deleted sites. When a site is closed/deleted, their geofences are deleted, and therefore their data would no longer appear historically in the Geofence Enter/Exit report. However, geofence data for closed sites does still exist and can be queried if needed by contacting Tenna.  

Sample Report – Overview of Geofence Enter/Exit Fields 

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  • The parent rows of this report are organized by Site Geofence with a default sort of Geofence Name and Type (boundary, zone, fence). Beneath each Geofence parent row are assets that entered that geofence, sorted by the asset Enter Time. 
  • Site Number: Site identifier, if there is one.
    • If the site does not have a number, this value will be empty.  
    • If running a historical report and the site has been deleted, the Site Number value will read “Deleted”. 
  • Site Name: Site identifier.  
    • If running a historical report and the site has been deleted, the Site Name value will read “Deleted”
  • Fleet No.: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details.
    • This field starts the Asset Details column group which is collapsed by default but when expanded also include columns for Status, Year, Make and Model.  
  • Asset Name: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details.  
  • Major Category: The asset’s major category (highest category level).
    • This field starts the Category column group which is collapsed by default but when expanded also include columns for Subcategory 1, Subcategory 2 and Subcategory 3. 
  • Asset Org Sublevel 1: The highest level of the Organization Chart the asset is organized within, if it is a part of the org chart.  
    • This field starts the Asset Organization column group which is collapsed by default but when expanded also include columns for Asset Org Sublevel 2 and Asset Org Sublevel 3. 
  • Enter Time: The date and time the asset entered the geofence, based on the ping reported by the tracker. This is reported in the account time zone.
  • Entry Location: The GPS coordinates (lat/long) from the tracker when the entry was recorded. This entry is a hyperlink to a snapshot of this location on the map based on the entrance ping.

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  • Duration: The total duration of time the asset was inside the geofence (time between entry and exit), recorded in days, hours, minutes. 
  • Exit Time: The date and time the asset exited the geofence, based on the ping reported by the tracker. This is reported in the account time zone. 
    • If an asset has not exited the geofence during the time period the report was run for, this column will read “Has Not Exited”.
  • Exit Location: The GPS coordinates (lat/long) from the tracker when the exit was recorded. This entry is a hyperlink to a snapshot of this location on the map based on the exit ping.
    • If an asset has not exited the geofence during the time period the report was run for, this column will be empty (no value shown).  
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Geofence Enter/Exit Report FAQs

  1. Do Assets Tracked with QR Codes and BLE Beacons appear in the Geofence Enter and Exit Report?  

Yes. This report is meant to capture what physically happens based on data we get from trackers. When a BLE Beacon pings within a geofence for the first time, it will appear as an “entry” on the Geofence Enter/Exit report. Similarly, for when a QR code is scanned within a geofence for the first time. These assets will not display an “exit” from a geofence, however.

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