Dispatch Queue Overview

💥 Dispatch Queue is part of Resource Management which is a premium product, and requires separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269. 

The dispatch queue is where all approved dispatch requests are located. Once an asset, or labor, or crew resource is scheduled, it is then displayed in the queue for the dispatcher to take the next action. The Dispatcher utilizes this page to determine what assets need to be moved and when and then move those assets.

In the Dispatch Queue you can view all approved requests for assets and labor and crew resources. View all requests together or click "Assets" to view just asset requests and "Labor Resources" to view only the labor resource requests.

The "All" tab will automatically selected when the screen is initially displayed. you can change the desired view and save it by clicking "Save View". Search and filter specific assets using the "Search" field. Users can also expand and collapse "Approval Details", "Scheduled Asset", and "Asset Location".

You can export this page to either an excel file or a CSV file.

Click on "Approval Details", "Scheduled Asset", and "Asset Location" to view more details for the requests.

Click "Approval Details" to view the Field Approver that approved the request.

Click "Scheduled Asset" to view subcategory columns that give more details on the specific assets listed.

Click " Asset Location" to view the asset's current site.

In the upper right corner of the queue, click the image shown above to export the list to either a CSV or Excel file.

Under the "Actions Column", you can either cancel a request by clicking the "X" or create a dispatch by clicking the truck image.

The dotted icon next to any of the dispatch events will give the dispatcher the option to either remove the dispatch event from the queue, edit the request, or create dispatch.

Print individual Dispatch Events by clicking on the specific event then selecting "Print" under the "Dispatch Event Actions" tab.

Select the "Print" icon to print the dispatch event.

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