How to Create an Inventory Location (Desktop)

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The Inventory Location is a list of the locations across your organization where parts are stored. This article walks through how to create an inventory location.

Permission Requirements: Users with the "Manage Parts Inventory Locations" permission have the ability to create an inventory location.


Select "Parts" from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.


Select "Inventory Locations".


Click "Create Inventory Location" on the top right of the screen.


Fill out the details on the "Create Inventory Location" page.

  • Inventory Location No: Enter a number for the location (example: 1,2,3,etc.).
  • Inventory Location Name: The name of the Inventory Location (example: Dunn Yard). This is required.
  • Address: Type in the address of the location. This populates with options as you type. This is required.
  • Site Relationship: Displayed as Site Name or Site Number.
  • Point of Contact: Select the point of contact for the Inventory Location from the dropdown.

Click "Create Inventory Location".

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