Asset Rentals Report (Desktop)

The purpose of the Rentals Report is to review the costs generated by assets you are renting from third parties such as Sunbelt, United, etc.

Users with the Rental Information permission turned ON can access this report. This report is typically referenced by Operations Managers (Project Managers, VP Operations, etc.) to see the revenue their machines are earning on particular jobsites.  

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.

The Asset Rentals report is organized within the Financial reports and is accessible via Reports on the left navigation bar, under the Financial category or via the Reports dropdown shortcut at the top of the screen under Financial.

The default range for viewing this report is pass seven days (one week) through today. Quick date range options include Today, Yesterday, Previous Week and Previous Month. This report is beneficial for Project Managers, VPs, Operations Managers, etc. to see the equipment rental costs on particular job sites. 

Results are shown for start and end dates in the account time zone. You can select a max date range of 180 days’ worth of results and can search back to the beginning of your account's history to capture each tracked asset’s lifespan on Tenna. 

You may choose to filter non-workdays or weekends out of your report by selecting “View Workdays Only” or “View Weekdays Only” in the date range picker.   

  • The parent rows of this report are organized by Site Name and Total Cost in dollars. This row includes the number of assets and the total rental cost for each site (sum of the costs in the cost column in the site detail list).  
    • Each detail row beneath the Site parent row lists the rental assets.
    • Assets will appear on this report once they enter the geofence.
      • The formula begins calculating the second the asset enters the geofence.

Click on any rented asset in the report view rental information.

Rental Start Date - The official first date the asset is rented.

Actual End Date - The official last date the asset is rented.

Forecasted End Date - The forecasted last date the asset will be rented.

Current Rental Rate - The rate the asset is being rented for.

Current Rental Term - The term for the rental rate charged, in this example its daily.

Rent Paid - The rent paid for the rental asset from the start date to the current date you are looking at the report.

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