How to View Asset Utilization (App)

The Utilization feature measures the active hours or miles recorded on each asset over time and compares them against the Utilization thresholds configured by your account's power user.

Asset utilization gives insights to the asset's usage and can shed light on whether assets can be better leveraged or whether others are truly still needed. Removing under utilized or unneeded assets from your fleet can help reduce owning and operating expenses.

Permission Requirements: Any user with the "Asset Utilization Report" permission has access to the Utilization feature, as well as seeing this information via the Utilization tab on Asset Details.


Log into the Tenna App.


Click the search icon on the bottom toolbar.

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Click "Assets".

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Select the asset to view the utilization for.



Select the "Miles/Hours" tab at the top of the asset details page.

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On this page users can view the asset utilization for the previous shift, current week, current month, current quarter, current year, and life to date.

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