Open API Overview

💥Open API is an additional product, please contact your Account Manager or email us at [email protected] to implement Open API.


It is essential that you have technical personnel proficient in API integrations and development to leverage the provided data effectively.

The purpose of an API is to streamline information between various databases. This tool is meant to output specific information that has been requested by the user. Tenna does not offer any specific tech support for this feature because the data is based on user request. Successful implementation and utilization of the Open API depend on your company's internal capabilities.

Open API Documentation

The Open API allows users to view customized data reporting from the Tenna platform. The data is read-only and can provide detailed information for assets, users, parts and other features. Through the API users can extract data from Tenna into their own database/cloud/data lake. 

How it Works: Users will receive a token to access the API through the Tenna platform, the token issued is specific to your entire account. Through this token, the data can be accessed via The user will make requests to the API (maximum of five requests per second per account) and the API will return the requested data in a tabular JSON format.

Capabilities: This API supports a variety of needs including but not limited to: 

  • Data retrieval based on specific criteria 
  • Allows users to receive the entire chain of data relations in one request 
  • Request the Tenna data programmatically with the ability to analyze and transform 

Error Handling: The following error messages are common codes that may be encountered. 

  • 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid or cannot be served. Check your parameters. 
  • 401 Unauthorized: Authentication credentials are missing or invalid. 
  • 403 Forbidden: The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. 
  • 404 Not Found: The specified resource could not be found. 
  • 429 Too Many Requests: An account request limit exceeded. 
  • 500 Internal Server Error: An error occurred on our server. Please try again later. 

Public APIs include the following data: 

  • Time Entries/Time Cards 
  • Fuel Entries 
  • Parts Catalogue/Inventory
  • Cost Codes
  • Work Orders
  • Trips & Tracker Points
  • Note: Frequent ping rate enhances the data provided via Open API.
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