How to Search, View and Filter Assets (Desktop)

What: There are multiple options to search for and view your assets which make it easy to get to the information you need.

Who: All Users can search, view and filter assets. Certain Asset View screens are dependent on permission.


If you are trying to search, view and filter assets in the Tenna App, see How to Search, View and Filter Assets (App).

How to Search for an Asset


Type a search query for an asset into the search bar located on the top of the page.

As you start typing, the results will begin to auto-populate in your search drop down.

The search bar looks up assets by category type, fleet number, and asset name to meet your search query. 


Select the asset you are looking for from the search results to navigate to that asset's detail page.

How to View Assets

Users can switch views on the asset page between a List View, Grid View, Group View, and Map View depending on what the user seeks to see.

Options to view your assets differently helps you see what you are looking for. List View and Map View are very visual and help with seeing photos and their physical locations on the map. Group View is helpful to see only assets that are part of an existing group. Grid View is great for sorting and filtering your asset data for quick export. 

Users can change views by clicking on the dropdown selection on the top right of the asset list.


All users can see List View and Grid View. Map View and Group View are dependent on permission.

List View

List View allows users to see their asset in list order in a card view.

Grid View

Grid View gives the user a tabular report view. Grid View allows a user to rearrange columns as well as to sort and filter to customize your data. 

Columns can be removed using the column sidebar on the right side of the grid. Deselecting any of the columns removes them from the grid. 

Grid View includes an option to save your rearranged/customized view, which will become your default Grid View of assets, until you override this view with another. 

Group View

Group View displays only assets that are part of a group. Within this view, you can switch between Primary Asset view and Secondary Asset view.

Map View

Map View displays your assets geographically across your different sites. Depending on your zoom level, you may see assets represented in clusters.  You may select a cluster to drill in closer to that location. 

Map View can be viewed in a default map overview, a satellite overview, and a street view.

How to Filter Assets

You can use your asset filters to narrow down your full asset list to review specific assets. Filters are useful for quickly identifying assets with specific characteristics among all of your assets. There are two different ways to filter assets:

  • Quick Filters: This is a dropdown menu found on the top navigation bar which allows you to quickly filter for Owned, Rentals, For Sale, Available, Disposed, and Ungrouped assets.
  • All Filters: This is a more detailed list of criteria to filter with and also where you can save your customized search in "My Filters."

Which filters are available depends on the Asset View you are using.

  • List View: Both Quick Filters and All Filters options are available.
  • Grid View: The All Filters option is available. Grid View does not include a Quick Filters option.
  • Map View: Filters from previous views will carry over onto Map View. Both Quick Filters and All Filters apply.
  • Group View: Both Quick Filters and All Filters options are available. The most typical use case for filtering groups is by Assignee, Category Type or Site.

Quick Filters


Select the dropdown arrow on Quick Filters shown at the top of your asset list.


Select your Quick Filter.

A warning message will be displayed indicating that applying a quick filter will override any existing filters.


Click "Apply" to confirm. This action will apply the Quick Filter to your asset list and remove any previous filters.


If there are no assets available that match your selected filters, a "No results found" message will be displayed, prompting you to adjust your filter choices.

All Filters


Select the "Show Filters" button on the top navigation bar, or the lined Filters icon on the right side of the asset list.


You can now also filter by the following criteria - Telematics, Fuel Type, and assets that are IFTA Compliant.


Select the items you with to filter with by clicking the check box next to each.

Click the down arrow icons to view the available options within each filter.

Selecting "Clear All" will clear the options you selected for this filter.


Select "Apply Filters".

Selecting "Apply Filters" will apply your selected filters to your asset list. The number of selected filters will be indicated at the top of your asset list. 


If there are no assets available that match your selected filters, a "No results found" message will be displayed, prompting you to adjust your filter choices.

My Filters (saving your filters)

You can customize and save a filter as "My Filters" which helps you quickly apply selections you filter for regularly. 


After selecting your filter choices, select "Save to My Filters" on the filter panel.


Enter your Filter name and click "Save & Apply".

This saves your filter choice to your "My Filters" list, available at the top of your filter panel. 

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