Permissions Codes Part 2: How to Configure Notification Permission in Permission Codes (Desktop)

What: Permission codes are made up of "permissionable" actions and notifications. Notification permissions give users permissions to receive certain Notifications (Alerts and Messages). When power users configure notifications within permission codes, they also set the default methods (email, push notification, message board) and frequencies for how these will be received. 

Who: Power Users and Users with permission can configure Notification Permissions.

Users may update their preferences from the power user's set defaults within their profile. See How to Update Notification Preferences (Desktop) for additional information. 


Permissions can only be configured on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Step 1. Select "Settings" in the top right of your screen.

Step 2. Select the "Permissions" tab.

Step 3. Select the permission group by clicking the "Pencil" icon under actions.

This page provides the permission details and code breakdown and is organized by Permissions (actions) and Notifications. Use the left menu to navigate to the desired set of Feature Permissions. 

Step 4. Modify and update permission configurations. 

Options include:

  • Turn messages On or Off
  • Change the default frequency
  • Set the default methods of communication

Reminder: Users have the option to update your default preferences for methods of communication and frequency. If users change their preferences, it is possible that they will not receive messages at the same time as other users in their permission group. If you would like all of your users to receive appropriate messages at the same time, be sure to explain this to your team and ask that they do not modify their preferences. 

4a. Turn messages off.

Select the "OFF" check box. Once selected, the methods of communication change from orange to grey. 

In the example below, we have turned off the "Asset Created" message. A user with this permission code will not have permission to receive this message in any form.

By default, this will automatically turn on all methods of communication for this notification (see section 4c. below for details on methods of communication). 

In the example above, the "Asset Created" notification is off, and the "Asset Data Incomplete" message is on. 

4b. Change notification frequency.

Select the drop down arrow next to "Notification Frequency" under the notification description for a notification. Change your selection based on the available options including Immediate, Morning (8 am), Afternoon (12 pm), or Evening (5 pm). 

In the example below, we are adjusting the Notification Frequency for the "Asset Data Incomplete" message from "Immediate" to "Morning". 

Methods of communication include email (envelope icon), Push Notification (cell phone icon) or Message Board (laptop icon). 

When a communication method is active, it's icon is orange. 

To disable receipt of messages from one of these communication methods (as the default), select the appropriate icon on the appropriate Notification line.To opt back in to receiving messages, click the icon again.  

In the example below, we have turned OFF the email method of communication for the "Asset Data Incomplete" message. This icon is shown in grey indicating it is off, while the Push Notification and Message Board notifications remain on in orange. 

5. Select "Update Permission Code" once you have finished configuring the notifications in your permission code. 

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