How to Create a Geofence Fence (Desktop)

What:  A fence is a type of geofence unrelated to your sites. A fence goes outside of a geofence boundary and are created to identify local areas near a jobsite such as a coffee shop, convenience store, or other location where your assets may regularly travel to. Fences may not overlap with any other fence or boundary on the map.

Who: Users with the Geofences and the Edit/Update Geofences permissions.


Geofences can only be created in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.


Select "Geofences" on the navigation bar on the left-hand side.


Select "Create Fence".


Name your fence.

Type in the name of your fence in the box on the top left of the map. By default, the fence will be named "New Fence" until your change is made.


Zoom in on the map to find the location you would like to put the fence.


Draw your geofence fence.

Select the "Box," "Circle," or "Trace Free Form" option at the bottom of the screen and draw your fence on the map.


Fences may not overlap with any other fence or boundary on the map.


Select "Create Fence".

The "Create Fence" button will be grayed out until a fence is drawn.

Select "Cancel" to undo your geofence and remove it from the map. 

Getting notifications for geofence entry and exit helps keep track of asset movement and can alert to potential instances of reduced productivity if assets are recognized outside of their job sites excessively or for extended periods of time. See How to Configure Geofence Alerts (Desktop) for further information on configuring alerts for your fences.

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