How to View Inactive Assets (Desktop)

What: Assets that have not been used (i.e. have received data from their tracker) in over 21 days are labeled as "inactive" and are visible on your dashboard.

Seeing your inactive assets provides the following opportunities:

  • Reveals what assets are sitting dormant on a jobsite that could be better utilized elsewhere
  • Gets your attention on assets that are unused across your fleet for extended periods of time, which could provide opportunities to help eliminate waste
  • Provides another way to get your attention if the tracker is offline and needs attention

Who: All users

Step 1. Select Dashboard on the left side navigation bar.

Step 2. Scroll to the Inactive Assets segment of the Dashboard.

Any asset that has not run in 21 days or more will be quantified in this widget. 

Step 3. Select "View List" on the right side of the screen.

This brings you to your Asset List, filtered for inactive assets. 

Step 4. Take action.

Analyze your inactive asset list to make appropriate asset moves, review your utilization or troubleshoot offline trackers as necessary.

Note: You can view this list in List View (default), or switch to Grid View to view in spreadsheet form and export.

List View

Grid View

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