Equipment Rental Providers: United Rentals

Tenna integration instructions for United Rentals.

Important! Connection to United Rentals API requires a request by the customer and approval by United Rentals. Tenna's connection to United Rentals API does not constitute a partnership with United Rentals.

💥Integrations is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Requesting United Rentals API Credentials


Send an email to United Rentals Managed Services Department requesting a meeting.

Email Template

To: Dennis Cummins [email protected]


Hello Dennis,

[Your Company Name] is a customer of Tenna's and we are interested in connecting our United Rentals equipment to Tenna. Could we receive AEMP API credentials for our organization in order to do this?

[Your Company Name & Your Company United Rentals account number]

  1. User First and Last Name: [User's Full Name]
  2. Email Address: [User's Email Address]
  3. Cell Phone: [User's Cell Phone] (for password authentication)

Please send a meeting invite to me and Tenna's integration representative ([email protected]).

Thank you,

[Your full name]


United Rentals will setup an initial meeting to review requirements and expected results.


After this initial meeting, if approved, UR will send out a Mutual Confidentiality Agreement (NDA) to be signed by your company.

This document should be reviewed by your legal team and signed by the appropriate contact at your company.


Once signed, please forward the signed agreement to [email protected] for Tenna's signature.


Tenna will sign the NDA and return it to United Rentals for their approval.


Tenna will set up a kickoff call with you, United Rental contacts, and the Tenna integrations representative ([email protected]).

This meeting is to engage the UR technical team to setup the integration and provide details concerning the credentials. An email will be sent with the username & password, missing the last 4 digits. These may be received by phone or SMS text.

Enabling the Integration within Tenna

NOTE: You must have a Power User identified and set up with a Tenna account to complete the following. If you are unsure who is a Power User in your organization please contact Tenna Customer Success at 888.836.6269. To add a new Power User or modify an existing user, see How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop).


Click on "Settings" on the top right.


Click on the "Integrations" tab.


Select "Equipment Rental Providers" from the Integrations landing page.


Enter the API credentials provided by United Rentals and click "Sync".


If this is your first integration setup, a disclaimer acceptance window will pop up. Please review and click "Accept".

NOTE: After a Power User accepts this on the company's behalf, the disclaimer will not be displayed again.


If the integration connects successfully, "Connection Online" will be shown on the screen.


Next, you will need to manually sync the United Rental asset to a Tenna asset by selecting "Fix Issues".


Selecting "Manage" will allow you to view all synced assets and remove an asset's association to United Rentals.

NOTE: For questions, reach out to the Tenna Integrations Department [email protected].

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