How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop)

How to create a single user or contact, how to bulk upload users or contacts, how to send or resend the user invite, SSO user protocol, etc.

There are several different types of accounts in Tenna which include the following:

  • Power User: The employee who has control over the entire system for your company. They control the company's account settings.
  • User: Individuals in your company who have login access and various levels of permissions set by the Power User.
  • Contacts: Individuals who do not have login access to Tenna but may be assigned to assets.

Users and Contacts can be added individually or in bulk to your Tenna platform.

For details on how to assign an asset to a user or contact, view How to Perform Asset Actions (Desktop).

Permission Requirements:

  • Power Users automatically have permission to create Users.
  • Users with the Contacts and Contact Details permissions can create Contacts.


Creating users and contacts can only be done on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Create a Single User


Select "Settings" on the top right of your screen.


Select the "Users" tab.


Select "Create and Invite User" on the right of your screen.


Select "Single" and then select "User" as the contact type.


Complete the required fields and any additional information as known.

  • User's First and Last Name
  • Picture (optional)
  • Company: Choose from the list of configured companies
  • Select if this user should be a Power User (full access) or not.

NOTE: This field is only shown if you are a Power User. Only other Power Users have the ability to grant Power User status.

  • ELD/HOS Role
  • Login Preference: Email Address or Mobile Phone
    • Select one or the other for the login preference. This is what the user will enter into the username field when logging in on their desktop or Tenna App.

Important! If the user will login via your company's Single Sign On (SSO), please ensure that the email address or mobile phone is exactly as displayed in your SSO's active directory.

  • Employee ID (optional)
  • Profile: Office, Field or Shop
  • Work Phone (optional)
  • Timezone: Make sure you choose the user's accurate timezone. This will effect when they receive notifications and alerts.
  • Title: The user's job title
  • Permission Groups: Select which Permission Group(s) the user needs to be a part of.
  • Labor Identification: Identify if the User is a Laborer or not. Selecting "yes" as a Laborer will give the user the ability to create their own schedule/be scheduled in the Resource Management feature.

NOTE: This field will only show if the account has purchased Resource Management premium product.


Configure Data Access for the User.

  • Full Access: Gives the User access to ALL assets, regardless of their Org Chart association.
  • Limited Access: Allows you to select certain levels within the Org Chart to give the User access to. The User will have access to the data for all assets assigned to the Org Chart levels selected.

For more details about Data Access, view Data Access Control Overview.


Select Time Card Supervisors.

NOTE: This field is only available if the account has purchased the Mechanic Time Cards premium product.

This field is optional. If no supervisors are chosen, the user's time card can be managed by any users with the correct permissions.


Click "Create and Invite User".

This button will remain grayed out until all required fields are filled in.

Important! For SSO users, sending/resending/accepting the invite to Tenna is not necessary. Once the user has been created in Tenna (the user form has been completed and submitted), the new user should be able to login using their SSO credentials per usual.


If onboarding is complete, the button will say "Create and Invite User" and an invitation will automatically be sent to the user.

If onboarding is not yet complete, the button will say "Create User" and an invitation will not be sent.

Onboarding is complete once the "Onboarding Complete" toggle is toggled on. This can be viewed by clicking on "Settings" on the top right of the screen.

Once "Onboarding Complete" is toggled on, any new users that are created will automatically be sent an invitation upon creation.

To send an invitation prior to onboarding being complete, please see Send/Resend User Invite below.


Review the tabs on the User Details - Password, Permissions, and Assigned.

Password: The user will be able to change his/her password on this tab.

Permissions: The user will see his/her permissions on this tab. 

Assigned: The user will see a list of assets they are currently assigned to, if any, on this tab.


The user will not be able to modify his/her permissions from this tab. 

Create a Single Contact


Select "Settings" on the top right of your screen.


Select the "Users" tab.


Select "Contact" on the right side of the screen.


Select "Create Contact" on the right side of the screen.


Select "Single" and then "Contact" as the contact type.


Complete the required fields and any additional information as known.


Select "Create Contact".

This button will remain grayed out until all required fields are filled in.

Bulk Upload Users and Contacts

Power Users and Users with the Contacts permission have the ability to bulk upload Users and Contacts for efficient data entry.


Select "Settings" on the top right of the screen.


Select the "Users" tab.


Select "Create and Invite User".


Select "Bulk Upload" and "User/Contact" as the contact type.


Click on the blue link "Download the User-Bulk-Upload-template.csv" and save it to your computer.


Fill in the form using Tenna's help resources for guidance.


Drag and drop or click "Select a File to Upload" and upload the completed template.

The template will begin uploading automatically.

You may navigate off the page during this process. When you return, the progress of the upload will be shown until complete.


Review upload success or failure messages.

Once the upload is complete, the number of users/contacts that were successful and failed will be shown.

If all users/contacts were created successfully without error, you may navigate “Back” to the Users list.

If any entries failed to upload, indicated by "Users Failed to be Created", click "Download" to download a template pre-populated with entries that failed and the reason for failure in the first column. Address the reasons as indicated and re-upload to try again. Repeat this process until all users/contacts are successfully added to the system.

Send/Resend User Invite

The Power User has the ability to send or resend an invitation to a user.

Important! For SSO users, sending/resending/accepting the invite to Tenna is not necessary. Once the user has been created in Tenna (the user form has been completed and submitted), the new user should be able to login using their SSO credentials per usual.


Select "Settings" in the upper right corner of your screen.


Select the "Users" tab.


Select the users you wish to send the invitation to by selecting the checkbox next to each user.


Select "Activate" to send a new invitation or "Reinvite" to resend an invitation.


Instruct the user to check their email for their invitation.

This may have been sent to their junk mail.

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