Users Overview

The Users page is the screen within Settings where all of the users and contact information for your account is stored. There are three types of users:

  • User: Individuals with login access to the system.
  • Contact: Individuals without login access to the system.
  • Company: Third party vendors your company does business with such as equipment vendors, vehicle dealers, insurance companies, etc. 
Permission Requirements: Power Users and users with the “Contacts” and “Contact Details” permissions can create and manage users.

To access the Users page, click “Settings” on the top right of the screen. Then select the “Users” tab.

From the Users page, you can view or manage the three different types of users by selecting “User”, “Contact” or “Company” on the top right.

Refer to the following articles for further details on creating and managing users for your account:

How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop)

How to Edit, Deactivate or Delete a User, Company or Contact (Desktop)

How to Create Companies (Desktop)

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