How to Perform Asset Actions: Assign, Categorize, Transfer and Change Status (Desktop)

What: Users have the ability to perform a number of different actions on assets.

Who: Users with the appropriate permissions as noted below can perform actions.


If you are trying to perform asset actions in the Tenna App, see How to Assign/Un-Assign a Tracker to an Asset (App) and How to Edit, Transfer and Re-Assign an Asset (App).

How to Assign/Re-Assign an Asset

What: You may want to assign your assets to an individual for accountability as well as visibility of who is using an asset at any given time. 

An assignee could be a specific field worker, foreman, operator, driver, etc. but must be an internal user or contact you have added to your Tenna account. 

  • Internal User = login access to your Tenna account (Example: foreman)
  • Internal Contact = no login access to your Tenna account (Example: third party operator)

To learn how to create users or contacts, view How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop).

Who: Users with the Edit Assignee permission can assign or re-assign an asset.


If you attempt to assign or re-assign an asset that is part of an asset group, the re-assign action will apply to the selected asset(s) only, and not all the assets in the group that the asset is a part of.

There are three ways to Assign or Re-assign an asset:


Select "Assets" on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Select the desired asset(s) you wish to assign or re-assign by clicking the circle to the left of the asset(s).


Select "Re-Assign" on the action bar above the asset list.


Type the name of the assignee into the search bar and seelct their name from the dropdown.

You can also create a new assignee. See Create and Assign a New Assignee below.


Select "Re-Assign".

You will receive a "success" confirmation when your action is complete and your new assignee's name will appear on the selected asset card(s).

Create and Assign a New Assignee

You can create an assignee if they do not appear in the dropdown list of the internal users and contacts.


Select "Create Assignee" to add a new contact to your account and asset.


Complete the form with the new contact details.


Select "Create & Assign".

You will receive a "success" confirmation when your action is complete and your new assignee's name will appear on the selected asset card(s).

Your newly created assignee will appear as a contact under your contacts list.

How to Re-Categorize an Asset

What: Every asset must have a category. This relates to data analytics, the organization of your asset list, and aids in running reports on specific category types. Asset categories define the applicable fields related to an asset, such as hours vs. miles or serial no. vs. VIN.

You may use the default major and subcategories or create your own. An example of a major category is Heavy Equipment with a subcategories being Excavators, Cranes, Dozers, Loaders, etc. You can customize these categories to fit your fleet. 

Be sure to categorize your assets carefully as best practice. However, once you have assigned as an asset to a category, it is possible to re-categorize it if necessary.

Who: Users with the Re-Categorize asset(s) permission can re-categorize assets.

Pro Tip:

When re-categorizing an existing asset, be sure to re-categorize it only within the same major category to avoid changing the field types. Contact your Tenna Admin for assistance if needed or if your re-categorization involves the need for a new tracker.


Select "Assets" on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Select the desired asset(s) you wish to re-categorize by clicking the circle to the left of the asset(s).


Select "Re-Categorize" on the action bar above the asset list.


Type in a category name in the search bar or select the desired category in the dropdown list.

Categories with subcategories within them are indicated by a "+" and may be expanded to drill further down into the list. Categories without subcategories are indicated by an "x".


Select "Update" to complete your re-categorization action.

How to Transfer an Asset to a Site or Organization

What: Users have the ability to transfer assets to another site or another organization (department, subsidiary, division).

There are two use cases for transferring assets:

  1. Tool transferring. Assets being tracked with QR codes can be transferred at any time. If an asset is scanned within a geofence boundary, the site name will automatically update on the asset to reflect that geofence's site. However, if the asset is manually transferred to a different site, this will override the site name currently on the asset. This use case allows users (with permission) to manually allocate tools, parts, attachments and small assets independently of them being scanned with the Tenna App.
  2. Supplementing data during tracker offline events. Assets being tracked with any other tracker can only be transferred if the tracker status = OFFLINE. These assets cannot be transferred when they are online and verified to protect the integrity of the location data provided by the tracker. However, if a tracker is offline, users (with permission) can manually transfer assets between sites as necessary. Once the tracker is back online, the location and site updates will resume their automatic updates. 

Who: Users with Transfer asset(s) permission may transfer assets.


Select "Assets" on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Select the desired asset(s) you wish to transfer by clicking the circle to the left of the asset(s).


Select "Transfer" on the action bar above the asset list.


Select either "Site" or "Organization".


Use the dropdown to select the site or organization you would like to transfer your asset to.

If the site is not listed, see How to Create, Edit and Delete a Site (Desktop).

If the organization level is not listed, see How to Build an Org Chart (Desktop).


Select "Transfer Asset".

This button will be enabled once a dropdown selection has been made.

How to Change an Asset Status

What: Every owned, rental and disposed asset you have in Tenna will have a status. Some statuses are automated and triggered by certain events or actions, and others are manually set. Statuses allow you to quickly identify asset characteristics and organize your asset list. An asset may have one or multiple statuses at once based on it's designation (owned, rental, disposed) and status compatibility.

Who: Users with the Edit Status permission can change an asset status.


The system will not allow you to set incompatible statuses on an asset.

If you select a new status that is not compatible with the existing status, the existing status will be replaced with the new status you have just assigned to the asset.

The statuses available for an asset differ depending on the asset's designation.

There are three asset designations:

  • Owned (an asset owned by your company or leased by your company from a third party)
  • Rental (an asset that your company rents from an equipment vendor or other company)
  • Disposed (an asset no longer in your possession)

The following shows the available statuses by asset designation as well as the status compatibility.

Statuses for Owned Assets

  • In Use (asset being used)
  • Available (asset not being used)
  • For Sale (an asset your company intends to sell)
  • For Rent (an asset your company listed to rent out to another company)
  • Rented to Third Party (an asset your company has rented out to another company)

Statuses for Rental Assets

  • In Use (asset being used)
  • Available (asset not being used)

Statuses for Disposed Assets

  • Sold (an owned asset your company sold)
  • Junked (a broken asset your company disposed of)
  • Stolen (an asset that was stolen)
  • Lost (an asset that was lost)
  • Lease Returned (an asset whose designation was Owned, but the asset was leased and finally returned)
  • Rental Returned (an asset whose designation was Rental, but the rental agreement ended and the asset was returned)
  • Other (none of the above but the asset is no longer in your possession)


Since an asset can only be disposed in one way, no disposed assets statuses are compatible with others.

Changing the Status of One or More Assets


Select "Assets" on the left-hand side navigation bar.


Select the desired asset(s) you wish to change the status of by clicking the circle to the left of the asset(s).


Select "Status" on the action bar above the asset list.

If you select only owned or rental assets, only statuses for that respective asset designation will be displayed. 

If you select a mix of owned and rental assets, options for both statuses will be displayed.


All selected rental assets will be updated to the rental status selected, and all selected owned assets will be updated to the owned status selected.


Select the desired asset status.


Select "Change Status".

If you selected a Disposed status, the asset's designation will change to Disposed and it will no longer appear in your list of owned or rental assets. You will find this asset under Disposed in the Quick Filters.

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