How to Create, Edit, and Delete a Site (Desktop)

What: Creating Sites allows your company to assign and track data such as location, cost, and utilization, based on the asset's site assignment. Along with setting up geofences, it also helps to prevent theft and more accurate asset allocation.

Who: Users with the Add Site, Edit/Update Site, Close Site, and Delete Site permissions.


If you are trying to create a site in the Tenna App, please see How to Create a Site (App).

Sites can only be edited and deleted in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

How to Create a Site


Select "Sites" from the navigation bar on the left side.


Select "Create Site" on the top right side.

You may also select "Site" from the "Create" dropdown menu on the top navigation bar from any page in the system. 


Select "Single Site".


Select "Project", "Office", or "Yard".


Fill in all of the site information on this form.


The form fields change depending on the selected Site Type.


Create the geofence for the site.

All sites require at least one geofence, called a "boundary".  See Geofences Overview for information on different types of geofences.

Enter the address in the address search bar or use the "Use Site Address" button to auto-fill this geofence's address with the site mailing address. 


In many cases, the site address and the geofence address are not the same. The geofence address should be the location of your project operations, vs. a project office or trailer address that may be located miles away from the site operations. 

By default, the geofence you create is a circle. You may select the box or free form option to create a different shape. 

Once your site has been created, see How to Edit Geofences (Desktop), How to Create a Geofence Zone (Desktop), How to Create a Geofence Fence (Desktop), and How to Configure Geofence Alerts (Desktop) to customize the geofences for your site.


Enter management personnel for the site.

Although these fields are not required, they are important to ensure the correct users get the appropriate notifications for this site or assets at this site.


Select "Create Site".

This button will become enabled once all Required Fields* have been populated. If you haven't completed all required fields, the system will indicate which fields need to be completed.

Once your site is created, you will be navigated to the Site Details page for the site.

How to Edit a Site

After you add a site to Tenna, you may need to edit some of its properties during routine use.  Sites may be edited to update specific properties or to populate fields that may have been left blank when the site was added to Tenna. 


Select "Sites" from the navigation bar on the left side.


Find the site you wish to edit.

Use the search bar at the top of the page or scroll through the site list to find the site you wish to edit.

Click on the site name or the eyeball icon on the right side of the site card to select that site. 


Select "Edit Site" on the top left side of the site details page.


Edit the appropriate fields on the form and select "Update Site".

Alternatively, select "Cancel" to leave the form without saving any changes.

How to Delete a Site

A site you may no longer want or need can be deleted as long as no assets are associated with it.  The only reason for deleting a site is if a duplicate site was entered in error. In this case, it is best to delete the duplicate site to avoid confusion.


Once an asset is associated with a site (i.e., was recognized within that site's geofence boundary), the site cannot be deleted because this site is in that asset's location records. At this point, the site can only be closed. See How to Change a Site's Status for further details.


Select "Sites" from the navigation bar on the left side.


In List View or Grid View, find the site you wish to edit.

Use the search bar at the top of the page or scroll through the site list to find the site you wish to edit.


Click the checkbox to the left of the row for the site.


Select "Delete" on the top left side.


Select "Delete" to confirm deletion.

If an asset has already been associated with the site, it cannot be deleted and you will receive an error message. The site will need to be closed instead. See How to Change a Site's Status for further details.

How to Change a Site's Status

The status of a site may be changed from Active to Closed to indicate if a site is operational or not. 


Closing a site keeps the site record in your account, which can be filtered from your active site list, but it's geofence is removed. When re-activating a site, a new geofence will need to be created. Closing a site is recommended versus deleting a site once a project is finished. It is beneficial to maintain site and location records at the asset level for any asset that has visited that site.  


Select "Sites" from the navigation bar on the left side.


In List View or Grid View, find the site you wish to edit.

Use the search bar at the top of the page or scroll through the site list to find the site you wish to edit.


Click the checkbox to the left of the row for the site.


Select "Status" from the top left side.


Use the dropdown to select "Active" or "Closed".


Select "Update".

The "Update" button will remain grayed out until a selection is chosen.

If you are changing the status of the site from "Active" to "Closed," a confirmation box will pop up notifying you that the geofence will be deleted and any remaining assets on the site will be updated to "No Site" .

Select "Close Site" to confirm.

If you are changing the status of the site from "Closed" to "Active," you will be navigated to the site creation page where you will need to create a new geofence for the site. You can also update any other pertinent details on this screen.

Once edits and geofences are complete, select "Update Site" at the bottom of the screen.

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