Location History Report (Desktop)

What: The purpose of the Location History report is to reflect the movement of assets without engines as of current or past dates based on GPS location pings and manually scanned location updates. 

Trackers: Tenna receives location data differently for different trackers(trips, cycles, location history). Assets with the following non-plug-in trackers will pull into this report for the time period selected, provided the tracker is installed, verified and online: 

    • TennaMINISolar 
    • TennaMINIBattery 
    • TennaBLEBeacon 
    • TennaBLEBeacon Steel Puck 
    • TennaQR 
    • TennaINAEMP 

Data from the Location History report is paginated and can be exported as “All Results” or “Only Displayed” (i.e., only displayed on that page). Each page displays 100 Assets. The default display is sorted by the “Date & Time” column in descending order.  

Who: All users with the Location History permission turned ON can see the Location History report. This report is part of the TennaCORE product suite (i.e., not tied to a premium product).  

Note: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.  

Where: The Location History report is organized within the Asset Location reports and is accessible via Reports on the left navigation, under the Location category or via the Reports drop down shortcut at the top of the screen under Location. 

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Click to view larger

When: Location history is available for each asset’s entire lifespan in Tenna. The default range for viewing the Asset Location report is one week ago today. If running a report for the current day, results will be shown for location pings received and processed up to the current time. For reports run for past dates, results will be shown for the end of that day for the account time zone for assets that were in your fleet (with online and verified trackers) as of that time. The quick date range options are Today, Yesterday, Previous Week, Previous Month. You can select a max date range of 45 days’ worth of results and can search back to the beginning of your account's history to capture each asset’s lifespan on Tenna. 

Note: When using Offline Mode in areas of poor cellular coverage, location pings or manual updates are captured but are not received and processed until you are back in an area of better coverage. Location updates will appear in the report after Tenna receives and processes the pings in the queue.

Sample Report - Overview of Location History Report Fields 

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  • Major Category: Results in the Location History report are driven by an asset’s tracker type.  
    • The Asset Category column group is collapsed by default. If expanded, columns will be shown for Subcategory 1, Subcategory 2 and Subcategory 3. 
  • Fleet Number: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details.  
    • The Asset Details column group is collapsed by default. If expanded, additional columns will be shown for Status, Site Assignment, Year, Make, Model and Org levels.  
  • Asset Name: Asset identifier. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details.
  • User: This field applies to assets without cellular/GPS trackers (i.e., assets tracked with QR tags or BLE Beacons) and indicates the user that last scanned the asset to capture its location (location reflects the GPS coordinates of the device used to scan the asset).  This is separate and distinct from the asset assignee (see below)
  • Location: The address associated with the GPS coordinates reported by the tracker. This entry is a hyperlink to the Asset’s Details. 
  • Date & Time: The recorded date and time of the location ping, displayed with the user profile time zone.
  • Site Name: The name of the site the asset was located on when the location was recorded (if a site was known). If an asset was outside of a known site geofence at the time of the location ping, this column will display “No Site”. 
  • Assignee: Name of the assignee assigned to the asset at the time of the location ping, if there was one. If there was no assignee assigned to the asset, this value will be empty. 

Location History Report FAQs

Location History Report FAQs

Plug-in trackers report tens of thousands of location updates in a typical workday. Displaying all of those updates in a report is not insightful. Because of this, we present this data in trips and cycles views to consolidate and interpret those points into intelligible, operation-based metrics and insights.

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