How to Run, View, Filter, Sort, Save and Export Reports (Desktop)

This article covers how to access, view, filter and export reports in Tenna.

Reports can be accessed from the Reports Feature on the left navigation bar, or from the Top Global Navigation drop down. Some reports can be accessed via grid data on various product pages throughout Tenna (i.e., utilization, maintenance, etc.). 

All users can run reports in Tenna. Reports available depend on individual permissions.  

NOTE: Reports can only be accessed on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

How To Run A Report


Select "Reports" from the left navigation panel or choose a report from the top navigation drop down.


Select your Report.

Option 1. Select the "eye" icon to enter a report from the main Reports page.  

Option 2. Select a report name directly from the drop down from the top navigation. 

NOTE: The top navigation bar provides a shortcut to reports. Any custom reports you create and save will be available for quick access here.  


Select your date range.

Click the Calendar icon in the Start Date box and select a day.   

Your end date will default to today’s date unless you change it. 

NOTE: Some reports require a date range (start and end). Others require only one date

NOTE: Results shown during a selected date range will reflect the account time zone, not the user time zone. 

 Though this varies from report to report, time zones typically reflect the account time zone vs. user time zone.

Pro Tip: Hover over the information icon in a report date range for more information about the rules for that particular report date selector. 

Once selected, the report will automatically populate for the time frame selected.

Hovering over a blue hyperlink will show the asset’s photo (if there is one). You can navigate to the details page from the popup by selecting the "eye" icon.

How to Sort and Filter Reports 

You can sort columns and use filters to drill down into your report until it shows only the data you want. 

All users can filter and sort reports, grids and lists. 

Filtering Reports and Grids 

There are multiple ways to filter reports. 

Option 1.  Click the filter (funnel) icon on the right side of any report or grid.  

The filter panel can be found at the right side of the grid via the funnel icon.

The filter icon is located on the right side of the report grid (three bar funnel). The gear icon is an icon for settings, which is available for some but not all reports.

Option 2. Click “Show Filters” at the top of the Report window to display the full filter panel.  

Option 3. Some columns can be filtered individually directly with a grid. Hover over a column header and click the icon with three bars that appears.  

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Depending on the column and the report itself, some columns will then display an icon with vertical bars to filter, and others may additionally show a filter funnel icon with additional filter capabilities.  

Click the Filter Funnel Icon


After accessing the report filters from the options above, apply the filters presented for that particular report (these vary from report to report).

The gray boxes with a number on them indicate which and how many filters are applied for that field for easy visibility

NOTE: Filters vary depending on the type of data field. For example, Text fields such as Asset Name or Site Name, can have filters with ' Contains', 'Equals', 'Starts with' or 'End with' options. Filters on some reports do not appear on every report.  


Click Apply Filter sat the bottom of the filter panel to apply your selection.

Apply filters applies the filters you selected to the report or grid.

NOTE: Applying filters may sometimes carry over to other reports or pages. Remember to clear filters when you access a new report to ensure that filters from another report are not applied unintentionally.

Remove Filters 

You can remove all filters, or clear filters from one segment of the filter panel.  

To remove all filters, select “Clear All” from the bottom of the filter panel or select the “Clear” from the top of the filter window. 

Save Filters 

If there is a filter you often use, you can save it.  


Apply filters from the filter panel and Select "Save To My Filters" at the bottom.

Save to My Filters opens the next window in the filter panel to name and save your filter.


Name your filter in the Your Custom Filter field.

Selecting “Save & Apply” saves your custom filter at the top of the main filter panel for future access.


Select "Save and Apply".

To view your saved filters in the future, they can be accessed from the top of the filter panel.

Custom filters can be accessed from the “View My Filters” link at the top of the filter panel. 

My Filters panel where your custom filter for that specific report type is saved.

Select the filter to apply it or select the trash can icon to delete.

NOTE: Each custom filter you create is applied to the specific report you are on. A custom filter you create for the Trips report, for example, will not be accessible in the Miles report.  

Sorting Reports and Grids 

You can sort your data in ascending or descending order on each report or grid Column. Click the up or down arrow on any column header to sort the column.  

Click the up or down arrow at the top of each column header to sort the column.

How to Customize Report Columns and View 

A user can customize their report view by adding, hiding, or moving columns directly within the report grid. 

All users have this capability.  

Moving a Column in a Report or Grid 

You can drag columns to rearrange them along the top of the report to customize your view. 


Click a column header to display the directional (four arrow)icon and drag the column to a new location in the header row in the order you prefer.

The four directional arrow appears when you drag the column header along the header row.

Showing and Hiding Columns 

You can filter individual columns in and out of the report by clicking the Columns button on the right side of the report grid. This allows you to control what columns are shown or hidden on a report or grid.

The column button is located near the filter funnel icon on the right side of the grid, which allows you to deselect or reselect data displayed in a report or grid.

Tenna also groups columns with related fields such as Asset Categories, Asset Details, Asset Organization, etc. Column Groups can be expanded or collapsed. Grouped columns are indicated by a right-facing arrow in the column header.  

Asset Category column collapsed to the highest level.

Asset Category column fully expanded.

Adjust Column Settings 


Pin your columns.

Select the three-bar icon in each column header to the right of the up and down sorting arrows to pin columns in place or reset them to their original view. 

NOTE: Pinning a column functions as “freeze panes” in Microsoft Excel,, so you can scroll to the right while the pinned columns remain in place. 

The first option displayed when selecting the three-bar icon allows you to pin your column in place or reset the changes you’ve made.


Auto-size your columns.

At the top right corner of the report or grid, you can size your columns to fit all columns into your view, or auto-size your columns to fully display the values. 

Sizing columns to fit condenses the columns so they are all in view.

Auto sizing your columns adjusts them to fully display the values

Pro Tip: A clean view is to pin your asset column to the left and auto size your columns.


View Full Screen

View your Report in full screen by selecting the Full Screen icon at the top right of the report. This eliminates anything else obstructing your view of the report data. 

The Full Screen icon takes your report into your full window.

To return to normal viewing, click the Exit Full Screen icon. This is the same as the Full Screen icon, but functions in reverse when you are already in Full Screen mode.  

The Exit Full Screen icon brings you back to the main Tenna view.


Save your View

After you've adjusted your settings, you can save this view for future visits to this page by selecting “Save View” at the top right corner of the report grid.  

Save View will save the adjustments you made to this particular report grid for each time you return.

NOTE: Saving your View is NOT available on all reports. Also, saving your view is specific to each report and will not carry over to other reports you view that allow a saved view.  

Save/Download/Export Reports 

Save Reports 

Saving a report allows you to save the current view, filters, sorting, date range and search criteria for reports you run regularly.  


After running and editing your report, click the Save Report icon on the top right of the report grid.

NOTE: All reports may not have the Save Report functionality, but it will be coming soon to all reports.  


Name your Report in the window that appears.

Save Report naming and saving window.


Click Save Report.

You will receive a confirmation message when your report is saved successfully

Your newly saved report will be accessible within the main Reports homepage, saved within its original report category. Your name will be noted under the Created By column. It will also appear under the Reports drop down at the top of the window, also under its main category, and with a User icon indicating that it was a user saved report vs. a standard Tenna report.

This custom saved idling report is saved in the Performance report section with the name of the user that created it. 

Your saved report is also accessible from the Reports drop down shortcut. The User icon indicates that this is a user saved report vs a standard Tenna report.

Click the eye icon to open your saved report. 

Click the trash can icon to delete it. You can only delete a report from the main reports page. You cannot delete it from the reports drop down. 

Deleting a report cannot be undone

NOTE: Saved reports are tied to user permissions. If a user creates a saved report and then their permissions are removed for that report, they will no longer be able to access that saved report.  

Export Data

Tenna paginates all reports, with 100 results per page. You can export the results displayed on the current page or export all for the entire set of results.  


Run your report and organize your data so the desired information is visible.

Remember to save your report if you would like to run it again in the future.  


Click the Export icon at the top right of the screen.

A window will appear to specify the information you want to export.  


Select the file type and results you want to export.

File types include .csv and .xlx for results currently displayed on the page, or all results from your search.  

Choose whether to export only the results on the current page, or all results in the report, and the desired filetype.

NOTE: Reports are paginated when there are over 100 results. When exporting reports, you will be asked to "Export Only Displayed Results" or "Export All Results"

Export Only Displayed Results will export only the current screen (100 results).

Export All Results will export every page in the report. 

Once you have selected your format, the file will be downloaded to the Downloads folder on your machine with the name of the Report and the file type. 

Your report will be available in the downloads folder on your machine.  Windows users may also see the report at the bottom of their browser window.

NOTE: The export will include any filters you applied, however, it will bring in all report columns regardless of whether you had them shown or hidden.  

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