How to Group and Ungroup Assets (Desktop)

What: You can create groups to track assets that are commonly used together.  This could be a certain group of tools or large assets grouped with specific attachments. Assets that are grouped with others may be ungrouped manually or automatically based on certain events.

Who: Any user with the Asset Group permission can create a group and ungroup assets. All users can see groups.


Grouping and ungrouping assets can only be done in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

How to Create Asset Groups

To create a group, you must select a "primary" asset to which other "secondary" assets will be grouped. 


Assets must meet the following conditions before they can be grouped.

  • Designation = Owned (not Rental or Disposed)
  • Must have a verified tracker that is "Online"
  • May not be part of an existing group. In other words, must be "Ungrouped" as assets can only be part of one group at a time.


The following Group conditions apply.

  • If any secondary asset in a group becomes Disposed (status = Lost, Stolen, Junked, Sold, Lease Returned, Other) it will automatically be ungrouped. If this is the only secondary asset in a group, the entire group will be dissolved. 
  • If a group's primary asset becomes Disposed (status = Lost, Stolen, Junked, Sold, Lease Returned, Other), the entire group will be dissolved. 

Click on "Assets" on the left-side navigation.


Filter the asset list for the "Ungrouped" assets using the Quick Filter on the top of the page.


Multi-select the assets to be grouped together and select the "Group" action on the action bar.

The selections in the primary asset search box will include the following types of assets:
  • Primary assets with existing groups: Selecting an asset with an existing group will add your newly selected assets to that primary asset’s existing group
  • Ungrouped assets: The same (currently ungrouped) asset(s) that you selected from your asset list prior to selecting the Group action will appear in the drop down. You can assign one of them as the primary for your new group.


Selecting an asset from the dropdown that was not included in your asset list selection(s) prior to selecting the Group action will designate that new asset as the primary, and the other assets as secondary to the new group.


Only Owned, Ungrouped Assets with an 'Online' Tracker Status can be grouped. This action does not apply to Rentals, Assets already part of a Group, or Disposed Assets with status Junked, Lost, Stolen, Sold


Click "Create Group".

"Create Group" will be grayed out until the Primary Asset has been selected.

Grouped Assets Left Behind

A Left Behind icon will be displayed for a secondary asset if the secondary asset is left behind from its group. An asset is considered "left behind" when:

  • A secondary asset's GPS location is outside of a ¼ mile radius of the primary asset's current GPS location. The label will disappear when the secondary asset's location comes within ¼ mile radius of the primary asset’s GPS location.
  • A secondary asset is initially added to a group, but the secondary asset is not at the same site physically as that of the Primary asset (within ¼ mile radius of the primary asset's current GPS location). The label will disappear when the secondary asset is within ¼ mile radius of the primary asset's GPS location.

By default, when an asset is marked as Left Behind, a notification is generated. This notification is sent every 5 days to the appropriate recipients until the asset is reunited with its group (primary asset).

How to Ungroup Assets

Assets that are grouped with others may be ungrouped manually or automatically based on certain events.  Assets may be ungrouped when they are removed from the fleet or are no longer used as a group with other assets.

This article will review:

How to Manually Ungroup a Whole Group

How to Manually Ungroup a Secondary Asset from a Group


The following Group conditions apply.

  • If any secondary asset in a group becomes Disposed (status = Lost, Stolen, Junked, Sold, Lease Returned, Other) it will automatically be ungrouped. If this is the only secondary asset in a group, the entire group will be dissolved. 
  • If a group's primary asset becomes Disposed (status = Lost, Stolen, Junked, Sold, Lease Returned, Other), the entire group will be dissolved. 

How to Manually Ungroup a Whole Group


Navigate to Group View from the Asset List page.

You will automatically land on the Primary Assets sub page.


Select the primary asset(s) for the group you wish to ungroup from the group list.

Selecting the group highlights its row.


Select "Ungroup" on the action bar.

This action ungroups the entire group.

How to Manually Ungroup a Secondary Asset from a Group

There are 3 different ways to manually ungroup a secondary asset.

Option A: From Group View


Select "Group View" from the Assets page.


Select "Secondary Assets" from the tab.


Select the Secondary Asset(s) you wish to ungroup by clicking the radio button on the left side of the list.


Select the "Remove from Group" action button on the action bar.


Confirm by clicking "Ungroup".

Option B: From the Secondary Asset's Asset Details Page


Select the Asset you wish to remove from its group.

Enter the Asset Details page of that asset by clicking on the asset name or the eye icon.


Click "Ungroup" next to the Asset Group.


Confirm by clicking "Ungroup".

Option C: From the Primary Asset's Asset Details Page


Select the Primary Asset from the list by clicking on the asset name or eye icon.

This is the asset details page of the Primary Asset of the group from which you want to remove your Secondary Asset.


Click the "Secondary Assets" tab.


Select the asset(s) you wish to remove from the group by clicking the radio button on the left side of the list.


Select "Remove from Group".


Confirm by clicking "Ungroup".


If the asset ungrouped was the only secondary asset in the group, removing it from the group will dissolve the entire group.

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