TennaFLEET Tracker (OBD-II) Installation

Please note that there is a newer version of this product. Contact your Customer Account Manager to upgrade.

What: Tracker Installation is performed in the field using the Tenna App. This process covers the installation of the tracker to the asset, and the association of the tracker to an asset in Tenna. 

Refer to How to Associate a Tracker to an Asset to associate your tracker to an asset prior to beginning the installation process. 

Who: Mechanics, Equipment Managers, Users with permission to install trackers. 

Pre-Installation Prep

  • Prior to beginning installation, be sure to manually enter the current miles shown on the vehicle's odometer. Make sure to enter the correct value as this will become the baseline for your vehicle's odometer calculation moving forward. 

Note: if you enter a value that is lower than the current mileage on the asset, you will receive an alert. 

  • Make sure that your vehicle is outside with a clear view of the sky.  If not, the tracker will take a longer time to set up properly, or installation may fail altogether.

Step 1. Connect the tracker.

  1. Ensure that your ignition is off and that your key has been removed from the vehicle.
  2. Identify the location of your vehicle’s OBDII port. This will generally be on the driver’s side below and to the left of the steering column; it could be behind an access door. The location of the port is dependent on the vehicle manufacturer.
  3. Line up your tracker with the OBDII port straight so that it can slide directly into the socket without any bending motions.
  4. Press firmly to seat the tracker in the port. It is important to properly align the tracker and port to avoid damage to the pins on the tracker. If you find insertion difficult, withdraw the tracker and examine the pins to ensure that they have not been bent or damaged.

Step 2. Start vehicle and observe green LED.

  1. Turn on the vehicle’s ignition.
  2. Observe the LED light activation. It is important to understand that although the Tenna Field App requires you to confirm your observation of the green, amber, and red lights individually, it is normal for all lights to activate at the same time initially as this indicates that the unit has ‘booted up’.
  3. The first light to observe is the green LED. This confirms the tracker is communicating with the vehicle. The green LED should flash once per second, indicating communication with the vehicle’s Engine Control Unit. 

Note: This may take up to five minutes for the green LED to begin flashing.

Step 3. Observe amber LED.

The amber LED will begin flashing. Once it has established a GPS lock, the amber LED will go solid. 

Note: This can take up to 5 minutes or more depending on location.

Step 4. Observe red LED.

  1. The red LED will come on and flash intermittently while it is attempting to make a cellular network connection.
  2. Once a connection has been established, the red LED will illuminate for 2-3 seconds or during the entire time of status communication which could last up to 10 seconds.

Step 5. Drive at least two miles.

In order to test proper communication of all data points, the vehicle must be driven for at least 2 miles on mapped roads. Simply driving around in your company parking lot is not a sufficient test and may impact the quality of trip data. Plan your route with a fellow employee beforehand.

Step 6. Turn off ignition and park outside.

Once you return from the drive,park the vehicle outside and remove the key from the ignition.

It is important to keep in mind that a fellow employee will be verifying the data from this trip.  As a result, discuss your route with your partner, as this will allow them to verify the accuracy of your trip data.

Step 7. Observe all LEDs are off.

Make sure all lights on the Fleet Tracker go out. 

Note: This can take one to two minutes to occur.

Step 8. Verify the tracker.

You have now completed the required steps to install your tracker. Verification of this tracker is a separate step that will be completed on Tenna Online .

Refer to TennaFLEET Tracker (OBD-II) Verification for next steps. 

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