How to Create a Part (Desktop)

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The Parts feature allows you to track and manage your parts inventory. This article walks through how to add parts to your Parts Catalog.

Permission Requirements: Users with the "Manage Parts Catalog" permission have the ability to create parts.


Select "Parts" from the navigation menu on the left side of the screen.


Select "Catalog".


Click "Create Part" on the top right of the screen.


Fill out the details on the "Create Catalog Part" page.

There are multiple sections to fill out which are detailed below.

Core Attributes of the Part

  • Upload or Drag & Drop a Part Photo: This helps specify the part with a visual.
  • Part Name: List the name of the part being added to the catalog. This is required.
  • Customer Part No: A unique identifier assigned to the part. This is required.
  • Category: The main category the part would fall under. (Example: Hoses & Tubes). Click the dropdown field and search for the category you are selecting the part to be listed under. See How to Set Up Parts (Desktop) for additional information on setting up categories for your Parts Catalog. This is required.
  • Description: Any details that will help differentiate a particular part from another part and/or provide specific notes for the part you are creating in the system. This is required.

Stock Info

  • Unit Cost: The unit price of the part. This is required.
  • Unit of Measure: The unit the part would be measured in. The unit of measure is each and this field is required.
  • Cost Code: Click this field and select the appropriate cost code from the dropdown. These cost codes are defined in the Cost Codes configuration. See Cost Codes Overview for additional information.
  • Global Min Quantity: The minimum quantity of this part that should be kept in inventory across inventory locations at all times.
  • Global Max Quantity: The maximum quantity of this part that should be kept in inventory across inventory locations at all times.
  • Global Recorder Quantity: The quantity of parts to be reordered when adding to the inventory. This is a suggestion, not something enforced in the system.
  • Shelf Life: The length of time the part can be stored without becoming unfit for use. Type a number in the first field and click the dropdown next to the field to define either days, weeks, months, or years.
  • Expected Life: The expected life of the part defined in the equipment manual. Type a number in the first field and click the dropdown next to the field to define either days, weeks, months, or years.
  • Lead Time: The estimated time it takes for a part to be delivered after it is ordered. Type a number in the first field and click the dropdown next to the field to define either days, weeks, months, or years.

General Info

  • UPC: Enter the 12 digit Universal Product Code to track this specific part in your inventory and make reorders and part tracking that much easier.
  • Manufacturer: The name of the part manufacturer.
  • Manufacturer Part No: The part number assigned by the manufacturer.
  • Manual Link: This field is meant for the online parts manual link (if available).
  • Criticality: The level of importance of this part to the operation of the fleet or equipment.
  • Attachments: Upload any attachment that pertains to the general information for this part.

Vendor Info

  • Preferred Vendor: Select the preferred vendor for this part from the dropdown.
  • Preferred Vendor SKU: The SKU number of the part from the preferred vendor chosen.

Dispatch Info

  • Cost of Transport: The amount it costs to dispatch/transport this part.
  • Weight: Unit of measurement for the weight value. Type the number in the first field and select the form of measurement from the dropdown. Measured in grams, kilograms, pounds, and ounces.
  • Width: Unit of measurement for the width value. Type the number in the first field and select the form of measurement from the dropdown. Measured in millimeters, centimeters, inches, feet, and yards.
  • Height: Unit of measurement for the height value. Type the number in the first field and select the form of measurement from the dropdown. Measured in millimeters, centimeters, inches, feet, and yards.
  • Depth: Unit of measurement for the depth value. Type the number in the first field and select the form of measurement from the dropdown. Measured in millimeters, centimeters, inches, feet, and yards.
  • Load Notes: Specific notes on how to load a part for dispatch/transport.

Warranty Info

  • Warrantor: Name of the entity providing the warranty.
  • Warranty No: Number identifier of the warranty.
  • Warranty Term: The term of the part warranty. Type the numeric value in the field and select the unit from the dropdown. The units are defined as either engine hours, miles, or days.
  • Warranty Type: This is an optional field but could be defined as vendor, manufacturer, service, etc.
  • Attachments: Upload any attachments that pertain to the warranty information in this section.

Once all information for the part you are creating has been added, click "Create Catalog Part" on the top right.

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