Best Practices for Tenna App Users: Android

These best practices will help keep the android device and Tenna app working in the best possible condition. These can be done once at the time of each new release, or as needed. It is very important to update the app to ensure you are using the most recent version.

Clear Tenna App Cache

  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select Apps
  3. Scroll down and select Tenna
  4. Select Storage
  5. Tap on Clear Cache

Important: If you tap on "Clear Data", it will clear all the data from the Tenna app and prompt you to login again. Also note, the information provided here is based on a Samsung device. Other brands may have different terminology such as "Clear Storage".

Tenna App Battery Settings

  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select Apps
  3. Scroll down and select Tenna
  4. Select Battery
  5. Select Unrestricted

Clear Camera App Data and Cache

  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select Apps
  3. Scroll down and select Camera
  4. Select Storage
  5. Tap on both Clear Data and Clear Cache

Battery and Device Care

  1. Open Settings
  2. Scroll down and select Battery and Device Care
  3. Tap on the Face icon/Optimize now. This will help to optimize the device.

Important: Once the above steps are complete, restart the device and launch the Tenna App.

For more information on Best Practices, please refer to our Best Practices article.

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