Best Practices

This article includes various best practices to gain the highest value from Tenna for anyone and everyone who has the permissions.

Account Setup

Org Chart

Draft out your org chart in advance to understand your "parent/child" relationships in your organization hierarchy from a top down approach (i.e., defining your highest "parent" organization levels first and each of the "child" sublevels within them).
See How to Build and Edit an Org Chart (Desktop) for further information.

Bulk Uploads

Lean on your resources and have multiple teammates assist in pulling the data. For example, the following departments may have the following data that can be used to populate the bulk upload templates:

  • IT - Provide a data dump from your ERP, Maintenance program, Fleet system or other systems
  • Vista Users - Tenna has a SQL query that you can run to export key fields from the Vista

    Equipment Master, EMEM

  • Insurance Rep/Broker - Provide all VINs (they have this for insurance purposes). Specifically your Insurance Audit List (at least for Equipment/ Fleet).
  • Finance / Accounting - Asset cost related data fields.
  • HR / IT - List of employees, titles and contact info to use for "User" related data fields.
  • Estimating - List of project sites from bidding software or billing system.

See How to Bulk Upload Assets (Desktop), How to Bulk Upload Sites (Desktop), How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop), How to Bulk Upload Laborers (Desktop), and How to Create Companies (Desktop) for further information.

Custom Inspections

💥 Custom Inspections and Safety & Compliance are a premium products and requires separate licenses. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Incorporate a reminder to all field personnel with QR-tagged assets in their possession, to inventory their assets on a monthly basis using Custom Inspections.

Custom Inspections allows you to create a specific "Inventory Assets" inspection form and set automated monthly reminders to all personnel and assignees responsible for inventory scanning. Any user who does not complete their inventory scanning will be marked as a "missed inspection" for management to follow up with.

See Custom Inspections Overview for further information.

Data Access Control

💥Data Access requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

It is critical to map out your org chart and identify which users and assets belong to which organization level before enabling Data Access Control.

Users will be given limited access when enabling this tool and will need to be organized into their org chart structure accordingly.

See Data Access Control Overview for further information.


💥Fuel requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

For theft concerns, it is recommended that you enter the gallons/tank size for all assets being fueled at the Asset Detail level (Edit Asset form). If more gallons are pumped than what the tank size of a specific asset is set to, Tenna flags it as suspicious activity.

See How to Create, Edit, and Delete an Asset (Desktop) for further information.


💥 Maintenance is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Incorporate Maintenance Requests into the QR scanning workflow so maintenance needs are sent directly from the field to the shop when something is broken or malfunctioning upon scanning for location.

See Maintenance Overview and How to Use the Scanner (App) for further information.

Preventative Maintenance

Before setting up usage based triggers, be sure to collect your last serviced hours for all machines getting a usage based PM package trigger.

Pro Tip! Not having your latest serviced hours information in advance may slow down your package creation process.

See How to Create a Preventative Maintenance Service Package (Desktop) for further information.


  • Populate your ASSET DETAILS (Add Asset) form diligently to feed your reports with the richest data.
  • Populate your rental data diligently so the Rental reports are insightful.
  • Create SAVED REPORTS for reports you run regularly (available as "My Reports").
  • If you have an AEMP integration, familiarize yourself with the AEMP toggle within the Report settings so you can turn it on or off if you want to see data from your AEMP feed in certain reports (e.g., Utilization, etc.).

See How to Run, View, Filter, Sort, Save and Export Reports (Desktop) for further information.

Resource Management

💥 Resource Management is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Pro Tip / Area of Opportunity! Keep a running list of savings when you are able to source an asset request from your current fleet inventory via Tenna vs. making an unnecessary rental.

See Resource Management Overview for further information.

Tracker Management/Health


Have a dedicated person to review camera health at least once per week and understand how to troubleshoot offline cameras. (Did someone unplug them? How to speak with your drivers if they are being unplugged. How to know they are unplugged?)
See Tracker Troubleshooting Guide for further information.


  • Have a dedicated person to review tracker health at least once per week using the Tracker Status Report.
  • When equipment is in the shop being serviced, ensure the tracker is healthy and troubleshoot before deploying back to the field.
  • If you have new trackers or trackers that have been sitting in your inventory and not yet installed, install the tracker when the asset is in the shop for maintenance.

NOTE: The amount of time it will take to check the tracker status may vary depending on how many trackers you have but plan for one hour per week.

See Tracker Status Report (Desktop) for further information.


  • Review Utilization on a weekly/monthly basis to see what is being underutilized in the fleet. Assets that have been underutilized extensively could be offloaded in favor of assets that are needed (i.e., requested and rented) more frequently.
  • Leverage Project Utilization reports at the weekly/monthly cadence and save a "My Report" for routine utilization reports you will run for particular asset types (e.g., Weekly Forklift Utilization, etc.).

See How to View Asset Utilization (Desktop) and How to View Project Utilization (Desktop) for further information.

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