Tracker Status Report (Desktop)

The Tracker Status Report is your hub for all things Tracker. This gives insight into the health and status of your trackers, as well as the assets they are associated with.

Permissions: Any user with the Trackers permission (Settings permissions) can view and manage Tracker Statuses

NOTE: The Tracker Status Report includes both Tenna Trackers and Tenna Integrations (TennaIN) with OEM Telematics.

How to Access the Tracker Status Report


Select Trackers on the left side navigation.


Select the Tracker Status tab on the right side of the screen.

You can also access these tabs from the Reports feature.


Select Reports on the left side navigation.


Scroll down to the Trackers section of the Reports page.


Select the eye icon next to the Tracker Status report.

Tracker Status Report Data

The following data is available in the Tracker Status tab:

Installation Status

  • Certification Decision:
    • Verified = Tracker installation is complete and successful.
    • Failed = Something went wrong during the installation.
    • N/A = Either in progress or hasn’t been acted upon.
  • Installer: Full name of the user that installed the Tracker to the asset.
  • Installation Date/Time: The date and time that the installation was completed.
  • Installer Certified: Yes or No if the installer is Tenna Certified (meaning they have completed the Mechanic Certification program and been verified by a Tenna Admin).
    • Contact Tenna Customer Success for more details about User/Mechanic Certification.
  • Installer Certification Date and Installer Certified By: Date/Time the installer was certified and by who.
  • Hours at Installation: If applicable, the Asset Hours captured at the time of installation.
  • Miles at Installation: If applicable, the Asset Miles captured at the time of installation.
  • Verifier: Full name of the user that completed the verification process for the tracker.
  • Verification Time: The date and time that the installation was verified.

Tracker Identification

  • Tracker Type: Official Tenna tracker name (TennaMINI, TennaFLEET, etc.)
  • Tracker Serial No: Supplier-provided unique ID number applicable to every tracker. This information is inputted during the initial upload process.
  • Tracker Model: Alphanumeric Tenna product number

Tracker Health

  • Tracker Status:
    • Customer Inventory: Sold to a customer and not yet installed
    • Installation Failure: Installation failed and needs to be started again.
    • Installation in Progress: Installation is in progress.
    • Pending Verification: The tracker is installed and needs to be verified. View Tracker Verification Overview for more details.
    • Integration Connected / Disconnected: Applicable to OEM assets whose AEMP feed is active
    • Offline: Indicates that the tracker is offline and has not reported any activity/messages for a period of time (varies by tracker).
    • Online: Assigned to an asset and is currently operational
  • Last Data Received: Date and time of the last tracker ping (For the relevant associated asset) was received by Tenna.
  • Last Tracker Location: GPS coordinates from the last tracker message received by Tenna
  • Timestamp: Date and time of track event generation for the last ping
  • Tracker Insights: See Tracker Insights Overview for more information
  • Tracker Unplugged: This will either be blank (the tracker has never been unplugged or is not a plugged tracker) or have a timestamp value. That value is for the most recent time the tracker was unplugged.
    • This timestamp remains even if the tracker is plugged back in (and goes online).
    • If the tracker is unplugged again, the timestamp will update to that event.

Tracker 2 Identification

Tracker 2 data will be populated if a secondary tracker is installed. For example, a TennaCAM 2.0 is a secondary tracker paired with a TennaFLEET tracker.

  • Tracker 2 Device ID
  • Tracker 2 IMEI

Tracker 2 Health

  • Tracker 2 Status: status for the secondary tracker (e.g., TennaCAM 2.0)
    • Offline: The status for Tracker 2 will show as offline when Trip data for the camera is missing or does not match the Trip data for the TennaFLEET II.

Clicking on the Offline status link will open a modal with the following information: Asset Name, Offline Since timestamp, Last Checked timestamp, Status, and the most recent snapshot.

Modal when Offline is clicked on
  • Black Screen: The camera has recorded an unusual amount of black. Either the camera is blocked or the camera has been in a very dark area.

Clicking on the Black Screen status link will open a modal with the following information: offline since timestamp, last checked timestamp, status, and most recent snapshot(s).

Modal when Black Screen is clicked on
  • Check Status: Contact Tenna Tech Support
  • Online: Tracker 2 is online.
  • Tracker 2 Last Data Received: Date and time of last ping for secondary tracker

NOTE: In the instance of a TennaCAM 2.0 and TennaFLEET tracker installed together, the Tracker Status actually refers to the status of the TennaFLEET tracker (even though it says the Tracker Type is TennaCAM 2.0 when hovered over). The status of the TennaCAM 2.0 can be seen under Tracker 2 Status.

Asset Details

  • All pertinent details for the asset the tracker is associated with: Fleet No., Asset Name, Major Category, etc. (See Asset Details Overview (Desktop) for more information)

Tracker Status Report Actions

View, Search, Filter, Sort, Export: The user can customize and organize the report based on their needs. For details on how to perform these actions within Reports, view Reports.

Hover to view Map or Asset Details for each Tracker: Hover over the blue links and select the Map or Eye icons to view details for the asset associated with that Tracker.

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