Tracker Insights Overview

The Tracker Insights feature provides valuable information about an individual tracker to access health and assist in troubleshooting.

For instructions on how to access this data in Tenna, view How to View Tracker Insights

For details on how to troubleshoot an offline tracker, view the Tracker Troubleshooting Guide.

Permission Requirements: All users have access to Tracker Insights.

Insights by Tracker Type

The insights available in Tenna vary based on the tracker type. The table below shows which insights are available for each tracker. 

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Asset Battery Voltage

Trackers: TennaCANbus, TennaCAM 2.0, TennaFLEET II, TennaMINI Plug-In, TennaMINI Plug-In Solar, TennaMINI 2.0 Plug-In Solar

This insight shows the voltage of the asset battery. This data assists in troubleshooting asset battery health and tracker wiring.

  • Battery voltage will depend on the asset, but typical battery voltage for construction equipment is 12-volt or 24-volt.
  • The table below lists the acceptable voltage range for the continuous power source in 12-volt and 24-volt systems.
    • A running vehicle will read toward the upper end of these ranges as the alternator is charging the battery
    • A vehicle in key-off, or one with a depleted battery, will read toward the lower end of these ranges 

Pro Tip! Asset Battery Voltage can be included in the Tracker Health Daily Digest notification. If configured, users will receive the Assets with Low Battery notification when an asset’s battery voltage reads in the low range.

Cellular Signal Strength

Trackers: TennaCANbus, TennaCAM 2.0, TennaFLEET II, TennaMINI Battery, TennaMINI Solar, TennaMINI Plug-In, TennaMINI Plug-In Solar, TennaMINI 2.0 Plug-In Solar

The ideal or "good" signal strength in dBm can vary depending on the specific context and the technology being used. Generally, a higher positive value in dBm indicates a stronger signal, while a lower negative value indicates a weaker signal.

In summary, the "good" signal strength in dBm generally falls within the range of -30 dBm to -50 dBm or higher, but the exact acceptable range can vary depending on factors like technology, network, and intended usage.

Additionally, a cellular signal strength that is too strong can also be problematic, as it can cause interference and decrease battery life.

NOTE: The acceptable range of cellular signal strength can vary depending on several factors, including the type of network (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G), the carrier, and the specific device being used.

The range for good or bad signal coverage depends on the tracker type:

For more details about troubleshooting Cellular Coverage, view Cellular Coverage FAQ and Troubleshooting.

GPS Fix Quality

Trackers: TennaFLEET II, TennaMINI (all)

This insight shows the level of precision and accuracy of an asset's reported current location.
  • Good Fix indicates that the current location data is very precise.
  • Approximate Fix indicates that the current location data is in the vicinity of where the asset is actually located (not as precise as a Good Fix).
  • Previous Fix indicates that the current location is a previous Good Fix, but is old and not necessarily accurate.
  • Bad Fix indicates that the GPS receiver was unable to calculate a usable value and therefore the current location is not accurate.


Trackers: TennaFLEET II, TennaMINI (all)

This insight shows the level of precision of location (latitude and longitude).

The lower the number, the more accurate the location reading.

For example: A 0.8 value represents a more precise and accurate reading of location than a 3.4 value.


Trackers: TennaFLEET II, TennaMINI (all)

This insight shows the number of satellites in view. The more satellites in view, the greater the accuracy of location.

You need at least 4 satellites for a tracker to get signal.


Trackers: TennaMINI (all)

High humidity levels can potentially damage a tracker if it is not designed to withstand such conditions. While fleet trackers are typically built to operate in various environments, including those with moderate humidity, prolonged exposure to high humidity can have adverse effects on their performance and longevity. Thus, monitoring humidity levels can help prevent such issues by proactively taking preventive action.

It is recommended that the tracker's humidity level read between 3% and 95%.

Pro Tip! Humidity ranges can be included in the Tracker Health Daily Digest notification. If configured, users will receive the Humidity Outside of Recommended Range notification when the humidity insight reads within the low or high ranges.

Ignition Wiring

Trackers: TennaMINI Plug-In, TennaMINI Plug-In Solar, TennaMINI 2.0 Plug-In Solar

This insight accesses the status of the asset's ignition wiring. This data comes from ignition state and asset battery voltage.

Possible values are "Wiring OK" and "Wiring Issue".


Trackers: TennaMINI (all)

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can impact the performance and lifespan of the battery.

Monitoring temperature levels is crucial to preserve tracker batteries by optimizing their performance, preventing overheating, addressing cold weather impacts, extending lifespan, and avoiding shutdowns or malfunctions. It helps ensure reliable operation, longer battery life, and reduced maintenance costs.

The threshold for extreme temperatures depend on the tracker type. However, the recommended range is 32°F to 113°F for all trackers.

Pro Tip! Temperature ranges can be included in the Tracker Health Daily Digest notification. If configured, users will receive the Temperature Outside of Recommended Range notification when the temperature insight reads within the low or high ranges.

Tracker Battery Voltage

Trackers: All (except TennaQR and TennaFLEET OBDII/JBUS)

Monitoring the battery voltage allows you to assess the health and condition of the fleet tracker's battery. By regularly monitoring the voltage, you can identify any significant drops or fluctuations that may indicate a deteriorating battery. This helps in proactive battery maintenance, such as timely replacement or recharging, to ensure optimal performance and avoid unexpected battery failures.

Important! Tracker Battery Voltage will not report if the TennaBLE was last scanned by an iOS device (Apple product). Scan the TennaBLE with an Android device for accurate tracker battery voltage parameters.

Pro Tip! Tracker Battery Voltage ranges can be included in the Tracker Health Daily Digest notification. If configured, users will receive the Trackers with Low Battery notification when a tracker’s battery reads in the low voltage range.

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