How to Subscribe to Tracker Health Daily Digest and FAQ

Tracker Health Parameter notifications allow you to be proactive in diagnosing potential tracker issues and remedy them prior to the tracker going offline. Users can receive a daily digest of tracker health parameter notifications.

Permission Requirements: Users with the "Edit Permissions" permission can configure tracker notifications. Users with the "Tracker Install and Verification" permission can view the Tracker Health Daily Digest.

Important! If Data Access Control is enabled, recipients will not see details in Tracker Health Daily Digest notifications for assets they do not have access to.

What is included in the Tracker Health Daily Digest?

Power Users and Users with the “Edit Permissions” permission can configure the Tracker Health Daily Digest to include any of the following notifications:

  • Assets with Low Battery
  • Humidity Outside Recommended Range
  • Temperature Outside Recommended Range
  • Trackers with Low Battery

These alerts are generated based on Tracker Insight values. To learn more about the thresholds for Tracker Insights and when alerts will be triggered, view Tracker Insights Overview.

The content of the notification will include details on any of the above tracker health parameters for trackers from the previous day (9:01 am yesterday to 8:59 am today).

The Daily Digest content is a combination of all trackers for assets that the user has access to.

Who should receive the Tracker Health Daily Digest?

The default relevant recipients for the Tracker Health Daily Digest are:

  • Superintendent
  • Project/Office/Yard Managers of the asset’s current site
  • Assignee of the asset
  • Users with Tracker Install and Verification Permission turned on

If the notification is configured to send to “Everybody”, then all users within a Permission Group with the Tracker Health Daily Digest notifications turned on will receive the notification.

When will users receive the Tracker Health Daily Digest?

Messages are accumulated and dispatched to the configured recipients at 9 am (in their timezone) each day.

If no trackers report a parameter event, no message will be sent.

How to Subscribe to the Tracker Health Daily Digest

This notification must be configured by a Power User or user with the Edit Permissions permission enabled. Other users may not subscribe themselves to the notification.


To enable the Tracker Health Daily Digest, click on "Settings" on the top right of the screen.


Select the "Permissions" tab.


Select the Permission Code for the Permission Group that you wish to receive the Tracker Health Digest.

NOTE: If you need to set up a Permission Code or Group, view How to Configure Permissions.


Under Notifications on the left, click "Asset".

Scroll down to find the "Assets with Low Battery" message.


Click the check box next to "On" to turn on the notification.


Select the methods you prefer (email or message board).


Select to send to Relevant Users or Everybody.

Sending to Relevant Users will send the notification to the following users with this Permission Code:

  • the asset's current site's Superintendent and Project/Yard/Office Managers
  • asset's assignee,
  • any users with the Tracker Verification Installation permission turned on

Sending to Everybody will send the notification to all users with this Permission Code.

To learn more about how permissions work, view Permissions Overview.


Under Notifications on the left, click "Settings" to configure notifications for the remaining Tracker Health messages.


Click the check box next to "On" to turn on the notification.


Select the methods you prefer (email or message board).


Select to send to Relevant Users or Everybody.


Once you have configured the notification to your preference, click "Update Permission Code".

If you have other Permission Codes that should receive this Daily Digest, navigate to the other Permission Codes and follow the above steps again.

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