Permissions Codes Part 1: How to Configure Permissions (Desktop)

What: Permission Codes are the collection of permission settings used to determine a users access in Tenna. 
Two types of Codes are available:
  1. Default Permission Codes: Default Permission Codes specify the pre-configured default permissions for the features, functions and notifications within each. You may use these as-is or edit to fit your companies needs.
  2. Custom Permission Codes: You can create your own custom Permission Codes based on your requirements.  Custom Codes can be created in the following ways: 
  • Create a new code and set the permissions manually
  • Duplicate an existing code and edit the permissions manually
  • Edit an existing default code
Note: All permission codes have an auto-generated code number. 
Permission Codes include Read/Write permissions (Part 1) across the system as well as notifications (Part 2). 
This article covers Part 1 - How to Configure your Permissions.

Who: Power Users and users with permission to edit Permissions.


Permissions can only be configured on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Create a Permission Code

Step 1. Select "settings" in the upper right corner of your screen.

Step 2. Select the "Permissions" tab.

The Active Codes screen allows you to  delete,  duplicate, or  edit an existing permission code.   

Step 3. Create a permission code.

Step 3a. Click "Create Code" on the right side of your screen.   

Step 3b. Create a unique name for the code in "New Permission Code" field. 

Note: A permission code number will be auto-generated for your new code.    

Step 4. Configure your Permissions.

The list of permissions are organized by features on the left side of the page, and categorized into  Permissions and Notifications.

Each features' functional permissions includes a description as well as the permission options which include Off, On/Read and Edit are on the right side of the screen.

Selecting "Off' disables that permission. Selecting "On" enables the permission and then you can select On/Read (to give the ability to view) or Edit (to give the ability to edit).    

Notification permissions include frequency such as Immediate, Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, as well as Communication Type which includes Message Board, Mobile, and Email, and Relevant Users.  See Permission Codes Part 2 - How to Configure Notifications in Permission Codes (Desktop) for details. 

Step 5. Once you finish configuring all permissions for this code, click "Create Permission Code" on the bottom right-hand side of your screen.   

Step 6. Assign Permission Code to a Permission Group.

Assign the code to a permission group. 

Step 6a. Select "Active Codes" in the right-hand corner under "Groups". 

Default or existing permission groups show your options to edit the permission code of one of the existing groups or you may click “Create Group” to create a new group. Refer to How to Create/Edit Permission Groups (Desktop) for additional information. 
Note: A permission code can only be applied to a user if it is associated with a permission group with users assigned to it. If a permission code is not assigned to a group, it cannot be used. 

Editing a permission code

Step 1. Select "Active Codes" in the upper right corner.

Step 2. Click the code number link or the "pencil" icon which will bring you to the Permission Code details screen for review and edit.   

Step 3: Edit the Permission Code Name and settings. 

If editing Permission configurations: 
You will see the list of permissions for functions and notifications
  1. Select or Deselect the check boxes for the functional permissions (Off, On, On/Read, Write), the notifications permissions (Message Board, E-mail, Mobile) or the frequency selection (Immediate, Morning, Afternoon, Evening).  
  2. Select "Update Permission Code" when complete. 
If editing a permission code name:
  1. Type the new permission code name in the box above "General Information" labeled: (number – new code). Numbers are auto-generated and cannot be edited. 

Step 4. Select "Update Permission Code" to save your changes.

Deleting a Permission Code

If a user deletes a Permission Code, any Permission Group(s) the code is assigned to is also deleted and any users that are part of that group no longer have this permission code. If this was the only permission group a user was a part of, the system reverts that user to the Basic Access permissions. If this code was not part of a group, deleting it simply removes it from the list of permission codes.

Step 1. Select the "trash can" icon next to a permission code.

Step 2. Click "Delete Code" to confirm your action or "cancel" to go back.

Step 3. Review any effected users whose permissions may be impacted by this change.

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