How to Bulk Upload Laborers (Desktop)

What: You can bulk upload Laborers for efficient data entry.

Who: Power Users and users with the Labor Management permission


Labor Resource Categories must be set up before you can bulk upload laborers. See How to Create and Manage Labor Resource Categories (Desktop).


Bulk uploads can only be done in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Step 1. Select “Resource Management” in the main navigation on the left of your screen.

Step 2. Select “Labor Management” tile.

Step 3. Select “Create Laborer” on the top right of your screen.

Step 4. Select “Bulk Upload” under Create a Laborer.

Step 5.  Download and populate the Laborer Bulk Upload Template

Select the blue link “Download the ‘Laborer-Bulk-Upload-Template.csv” and save it to your computer. Fill in as appropriate.

Fill in the form using Tenna’s help resources for guidance.

Step 6. Drag and Drop or click "Select a File to Upload" and upload the completed template.

The template will begin uploading automatically.

You may navigate off the page during this process. When you return, the progress of the upload will be shown until complete.

Step 7. If the upload is complete without any errors, a success screen will be shown.  The laborer bulk upload is complete.

If the upload is complete with errors, a failure screen will be shown. Continue to Step 8.

Step 8. Click blue "Download" link to download a template pre-populated with the entries that failed. Fix the issues listed in Column 1 of the file.

If any users/contacts failed the upload, use the second template for download which lists only the entries that failed and a reason in the first column for you to use to try again. Address the reasons as indicated. Once you have addressed all the errors delete column 1 with errors, re-upload to try again. Repeat this process until all users/contacts are successfully added to the system.

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