How to View Project Utilization (Desktop)

Project utilization shows asset utilization of all assets currently located on that site. Reviewing asset utilization on your projects helps determine whether the assets  are truly needed on that site. This helps identify whether assets can be moved off of a site to reduce the amount of unnecessary billings as well as identify project hoarding. 

NOTE: Utilization data is updated every four hours.  

Permission Requirements: Any user with the "Project Utilization Report" permission has access to the Utilization feature, as well as seeing this information via the Utilization tab on Site Details.

How to View Project Utilization


Click "Utilization" on the left side navigation.

You can also access Project Utilization from your Sites pages.


Select "Project Utilization".

You can sort and filter this list, re-arrange or hide your columns to your preference. Select "Save View" in the upper right corner to save this report layout. These sorting and filtering options are also available on the site details tab for each site. You may also view Project Utilization from the Site Detail page for each Site. 

NOTE: When viewing project utilization via the Utilization feature, you will see utilization for all active projects in your account and can expand and collapse each project to hone in on utilization for one project specifically as shown below. Conversely, when viewing project utilization via Site Details, you will only be viewing the utilization for assets on that specific project only. 

AEMP Assets

If you have enabled the AEMP Configuration to calculate site utilization for your AEMP assets, please note that reporting on AEMP assets is optional.
To view AEMP Assets in your Asset Utilization and Project Utilization reports: 

In the Asset and Project Utilization Reports, click the "gear" icon on the far right.


Select the toggle to "Show AEMP Assets".

NOTE: You must do this on both Asset Utilization and Project Utilization tabs to show AEMP assets on both reports. 

Important! If you have the Procore Integration, you must have these toggles selected in order to have utilization information sent to Procore.

Exporting the Data

To export utilization data, click the down arrow icon in the upper right corner of the table.

NOTE: You can view that asset's individual utilization on it's Asset Details page by clicking the "eye" icon under actions. 

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