Utilization Overview and FAQ

Tenna’s Utilization feature provides you with key insights about the usage of your assets, helping you drive better business decisions. For any asset with a Tenna tracker that supports engine run-time, or asset with an active OEM integration, cumulative trip or cycle durations are used to gather the total time an asset was active. These data sources are aggregated to provide meaningful asset or project utilization data. 

Permission Requirements:

All Tenna Users can view Asset and Project Utilization. 

Only Power Users or Users with Managing Configurations Permissions can configure Utilization settings.

Calculating Utilization

Utilization Percentage Rates are calculated based on various configurations and settings that are customized to your company’s needs.  To learn more about configurations, view:

How to Configure Utilization Percentage Threshold (Desktop)

How to Configure Company Working Hours and Time Zone (Desktop)

Important! Utilization is only calculated for Project Sites.

Asset Utilization helps you to understand how your asset is being utilized company-wide, helping you to make important business buy, sell or rent decisions about your assets. Asset Utilization is calculated based on active hours and expected hours for every asset.

  • Active Hours (Amount of time an engine was actually running) are the cumulative duration reported in Tenna for assets with a Tenna Tracker that supports engine run-time or an asset with an active OEM Integration.
    • Calculated as a sum of trip duration for a given amount of shifts
    • Users can also enter hours or miles manually in the Tenna app for assets that do not have a tracker. To learn more, view How to Configure Utilization For Non-Tracked Assets (App).
    • Calculated only after the tracker installation is verified

  • Expected Hours (Amount of time an engine is supposed to be running on a normal business day) is a configurable value that specifies the total duration of Working Hours each day expected for all assets within a company. 

Given that Active Hours and Expected Hours are taken from the same working shifts.

Project (Site) Utilization helps you to understand how your asset is being utilized while located within a specific site.  Project Utilization is calculated based on active hours, expected hours within a project site, and geofence breach data for every asset.

(Active Hours on a Project Site/Expected Hours on a Project Site) x 100% = Project Utilization

Assets are recorded as active on a project site when they enter or exit a configured geofence for that site on that day.  In instances where an asset visits multiple project sites in one day, Project Utilization is calculated differently based on asset category and/or tracker type.

Figure 1: Project Utilization Example

Project Utilization of Trucks and Vehicles

Trackers: TennaFLEET, TennaCAM

Data is skewed to the site with the most recorded active hours using "Pie Winner" logic.

In the above example, an asset runs for 4 active hours (engine running) one day and records Geofence breaches on multiple projects:

  • Site A: 12 hours
  • Site B: 8 hours
  • No Site: 4 hours

All 4 hours of the asset's run time (active hours) will be recorded under Site A because it recorded the most time spent on that site for that day (12 hours).

Project Utilization of Equipment

Trackers: TennaMINI, TennaCANbus

Active hours are distributed among all projects that an asset recorded a Geofence breach, so every site that the equipment was active on in that time frame will be shown on the report, also known as "Slices" logic.

For the same above example, an asset cycled for approximately 4 active hours in one day:

The Geofence Enter & Exit Report captured 3 site geofence breaches for the compressor for that day:

  • Site A: 12 hours
  • Site B: 8 hours
  • No Site: 4 hours

The 4 total active hours (cycles) recorded by the asset is distributed proportionally to those 3 project sites as follows: 

  • Site A = 2 hours
  • Site B = 1 hour 20 minutes
  • No Site = 40 minutes

Weekends and Holidays

NOTE: Tenna has a pre-defined list of days (including weekends and federal holidays) on which asset utilization will not be calculated, i.e., Weekends and Holidays have expected work hours as 0.

Since some companies work on certain holidays, or receive permission from their clients to work weekends, there may be a >5% discrepancy in the utilization calculations. Any hours captured on these days will still be recorded and used in the weekly, monthly, yearly and life to date calculations.

The list of federal holidays on which utilization will not be calculated include:

  • New Years Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • President's Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veteran's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

The dates for these holidays are dynamically calculated for each year based on the Federal Holiday Calendar by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Utilization Views

Tenna users can access Utilization reports for their current assets via the Dashboard, Answers, Utilization, Reports, Asset Details, and Site Details features in Tenna. 

Asset or Site Details

Asset Utilization View: Asset Utilization displays a list of all current, active, engine-operated assets and their utilization rates over the past shift, week, month, quarter, year, and life to date, and project to date. You can sort and filter this list to display the data you are looking for.

Project Utilization View: Project Utilization displays a list of assets organized across each of your project sites. You can sort and filter this list and also expand and collapse each project to focus on utilization for one site. 

Tenna users can also access historical Asset Utilization data from the Reports feature in Tenna.

Daily Asset Utilization – by Site: Shows a historical view of an asset’s active hours in a site for a custom date range.

Daily Asset Utilization – by Assignment: Shows a historical view of an asset’s active hours by assignee.

NOTE: If an asset had not had an assignee, then the Utilization shown is Total.

These reports are calculated based on hours updates (AEMP) or Cycle duration (Tenna Tracker) based on calendar day and time zone. They do not account for non-engine assets or assets without an online/connected Tenna Tracker or AEMP Integration.

For more details on how to access Utilization, view How to View Asset Utilization (Desktop) and How to View Project Utilization (Desktop).


It seems like my utilization data is incorrect (too high). What could be the cause of this?

This can be due to wiring issues during installation. If the asset has a Master Disconnect switch that is located on the Ground side of battery and the tracker's ground is connected directly to the battery, this creates a “floating ground” and will power up the tracker ignition wire when the disconnect switch is in off position. This is interpreted by the tracker as the asset running and will skew utilization data high.

Solution: To fix this, the tracker's ground wire should be moved from battery negative terminal and mounted to the asset chassis.

View Tracker Troubleshooting Guide for more troubleshooting tips.

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