How to Configure Utilization For Non-Tracked Assets (App)

What: Tenna allows you to track asset utilization on assets that do not have trackers, or on assets that do not give equipment hours.

Asset utilization gives insight into the asset's usage and can shed light on whether assets can be better leveraged or should be sold. Removing underutilized or unneeded assets from your fleet can help reduce owning and operating expenses. 

Who: Users with Asset Utilization Report permission can view the Utilization feature, Asset Utilization Report, and the Utilization tab on the Asset Details page.  Users with Asset Hour permission turned on with edit access are able to update the asset hours.  


While it is possible to update an untracked asset in the Tenna app, adding a tracker to your asset is encouraged and necessary for additional automation and functionality and to incorporate each asset fully into the platform.


Navigate to the Asset Details page in the Tenna app.

See How to Search, View and Filter Assets (App) for instructions on manually finding an asset on the app.


If the asset does not already exist, see How to Create an Asset (App) for details on creating an asset using the Tenna App.


Select the Hours/Miles tab from the asset details page.


Click into the Hours field and enter the number of hours you want to attach to the asset.

Once complete, click "Done" on the top right side of the keypad.


Click "Save".


Verify the entry is correct.

If the entry is correct, click "Yes".

If the entry is incorrect, click "No" and repeat steps 3-5 to update the hours.


Click "Close".

Once "Yes" is selected, a notice will pop up verifying the hours have been updated successfully. Click "Close" to continue.


If the hours entered are less than the current hours on the asset, an error screen will appear and the hours will automatically return to the number of hours prior to the attempted update.

If hours need to be adjusted lower, they can be adjusted on the web version of the Tenna platform using the Edit Asset function. See How to Create, Edit, and Delete an Asset (Desktop) for more information.

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