How to Create an Asset (App)

What: You have the ability to create new assets with your Tenna App while out in the field or yard.

Who: Users with permissions to create an asset.


If you are trying to create an asset in Tenna on your desktop, see How to Create, Edit and Delete an Asset (Desktop).


From the dashboard, select the "+" icon at the bottom of the screen.


Select "Asset".


Choose whether the asset is owned or rented.


Select a category and up to three subcategories for the asset.

You can access the categories and subcategories by either selecting from the list or by using the search bar by typing in categories or keywords.


If a new Major Category or Subcategory is needed before adding the new asset, those categories must be created using the online platform prior to creating the asset from the app. See How to Create and Edit Categories (Desktop) for creating new Major Categories and Subcategories using the Tenna Platform.


Click "Select" to confirm category choices.


Select an organization and click "Select".

You can skip this step by clicking "Skip".


Enter asset information in fields and click "Next".

Required fields are:

  • Fleet Number
  • Year
  • Make
  • Model
  • Serial Number or VIN
  • Condition
  • Status

NOTE: Fields will vary depending on the category of asset and tracker type.


Enter hours or miles if applicable and select "Next".


The Major Category type must be Equipment or Trucks in order to track hours and utilization.


Review information and select "Confirm".

To edit the information, select "Edit" above the section that needs changes.


Add a tracker.

Refer to the Installation articles for assistance on linking and adding trackers to assets.

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