How to Configure Project Utilization for AEMP Assets (Desktop)

What: Tenna users can capture project utilization data for assets with OEM Integrations or TennaIN AEMP Trackers.

Who: Tenna users with purchase OEM Integration license.


This can only be done in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Tenna supports importing data compliant with ISO 15143-3 (AEMP 2.0 telematics standard) into our system from various OEM telematic providers. View the Integrations section for more details about our current third-party partners.

Reporting for AEMP Assets vs. Tenna Tracker Assets


Reporting interval varies by OEM

Hours updates can vary from, once every few hours to every few days

Receive cumulative hours, not per trip

Active Hours calculated by spreading Hours updates across calendar days

Tenna Trackers

Hours update as soon as trip/cycle ends

Resolution down to the second

Details for each cycle based on actual equipment IGN ON/usage

Utilization calculated using actual Start and End Times of Trips/Cycles for each calendar day

Calculating AEMP Project Utilization

Tenna uses the asset’s cumulative hours per day that come through the AEMP feed to calculate an asset’s active hours on a project site. Active hours are spliced among any projects where the asset breached a geofence.

To learn more about how utilization is calculated, visit Utilization Overview.

Configuring AEMP Project Utilization


Select "Settings" in the upper right corner.


Select "Configurations" tab.


Select "Utilization" tab on the right side.


If you would like assets with AEMP Integration to capture Project Utilization , select the toggle for "AEMP Configuration".

A gray toggle means the AEMP Configuration is OFF, an orange toggle means it is ON.

Enabling this configuration will start calculating site utilization for assets with OEM integrations and TennaIN AEMP trackers.

Note: Calculations are not retroactive. Disabling the toggle will not delete any historical site utilization data for AEMP assets, but it will prevent it from calculating moving forward.


Select "Yes, Enable".

The toggle should now be orange. You are now tracking project utilization for AEMP assets.

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