Scans by User Report FAQ (Desktop)

The following are Frequently Asked Questions about the Scans by User Report.

What would I use this report for?

The Scans by User Report allows you to review user scans made on TennaQR and TennaBLE trackers. A few ways this report can be helpful are:

  • It provides assurance to supervisors and power users that field users are leveraging the application to track your unautomated trackers.
  • It can help diagnose whether there are intermittent issues with BLE trackers.
  • It can be used to leverage scans to assist with cycle counting procedures and company auditors for asset existence testing.
  • It can be leveraged during property tax assessment and filing.

Who can view this report?

All users have the ability to view this report.

NOTE: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report. See Data Access Control Overview for additional information.

How far back can I pull data from?

You can select a max date range of 60 days’ worth of results.

How do I export the data from this report?

See How to Run, View, Filter, Sort, Save and Export Reports (Desktop) for additional information.

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