OEM Integration: Takeuchi

The Takeuchi integration allows Tenna to support integration with Takeuchi equipment. It enables the seamless connection between Tenna's platform and Takeuchi machines, providing enhanced asset management capabilities.

💥Integrations is a premium product and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.

Requesting API Credentials


Request authentication details from the Takeuchi TFM team at [email protected] using the below email template.

Email Template


We would like to request Takeuchi TFM API AEMP 2.0access (ISO 15143-3).  Please create AEMP 2.0 credentials so that we canaccess the telematics data for our machines. Please provide the following:

  • Client ID and Client secret required

Please set the account in Full Production

Thank you, 

[User's Full Name]


You should receive an email back from Takiuchi with your credentials.

It should include the following:


Enabling the Integration within Tenna

NOTE: You must have a Power User identified and set up with a Tenna account to complete the following. If you are unsure who is a Power User in your organization please contact Tenna Customer Success at 888.836.6269. To add a new Power User or modify an existing user, see How to Create Users and Contacts (Desktop).


Click on "Settings" on the top right.


Click on the "Integrations" tab.


Select the "OEM" tile from the Integrations landing page.


Enter the API credentials provided and click "Sync".


If this is your first integration setup, a disclaimer acceptance window will pop up. Please review and click "Accept".

NOTE: After a Power User accepts this on the company's behalf, the disclaimer will not be displayed again.


If the integration connects successfully, "Connection Online" will be shown on the screen.


For assets that did not automatically sync from the PIN number provided on the asset, manually sync the OEM's asset to a Tenna asset by selecting "Fix Issues".


Select the "Manage" button to view all synced assets and remove an asset's association to the OEM.

NOTE: For questions, reach out to the Tenna Integrations Department [email protected].

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