Consumables Total Quantity by SKU and by Site Reports FAQ (Desktop)

The following are Frequently Asked Questions about the Consumables Total Quantity by SKU and Consumables Total Quantity by Site Reports.

What would I use these reports for?

The Consumables Total Quantity reports allow you to view the total quantity of your consumables sorted by SKU or by site.

NOTE: The Consumables Total Quantity by Site report displays only consumable assets that are not disposed and are on active sites. The Consumables Total Quantity by SKU report displays only consumable assets that are not disposed.

Who can view these reports?

All users have the ability to view these reports.

NOTE: If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report. See Data Access Control Overview for additional information.

How do I export the data from these reports?

See How to Run, View, Filter, Sort, Save and Export Reports (Desktop) for additional information.

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