Custom Labels Overview

Custom labels can be configured for assets, parts, timecards, and time entries. Assign unique names and colors to the labels and determine the order for the labels in the dropdown menu for each feature. Users can also view label management history and activate and deactivate labels as needed. These labels can be leveraged for effective asset management and reporting.

Note: Specific labels can only be used in their respective features. For example, an asset label cannot be assigned to a time entry.


Label configuration and application is limited to Power Users only.

Important! Labels must be unique for the use of each entity. Example, do not configure multiple asset labels to "Down for Maintenance", this should only be assigned to one specific label.

Asset Labels:

Asset labels are used to identify and categorize assets in Tenna. They can be applied to assets to easily determine their activity or status. These labels can be seen across the Tenna platform, including in asset details, asset grid, asset map, and dispatch board.

  • Multiple labels can be assigned and unassigned to assets to display important information regarding the asset including- down for service, ready to use, etc.
  • View the history of label assignments and removal for each asset.
  • Filter and search asset inventory based on multiple label combinations.

Part Labels:

Parts labels are used to identify and categorize different parts or components of a product or equipment. They can be used to provide relevant information regarding a specific part, help with inventory management, maintenance, and tracking of individual components.

  • Assign and unassign multiple labels to individual parts.
  • Track label changes over time for each part.
  • Leverage predefined label categories like catalog, inventory, maintenance, etc. for efficient part management.
  • Optimize part tracking, procurement, and utilization through label- based insights.

Within parts specifically, there are different label groups within the parts lifecycle. This lifecycle is broken up as follows:

Catalog Parts Labels: Parts are defined with initial characteristics and labels as they are added into a catalog.

Inventory: Parts are stocked and managed with potentially updated labels.

Maintenance Parts: Parts are required for work orders or maintenance requests. Maintenance parts can be assigned new labels specific to the maintenance request or work order.

Committed Parts (Asset Part): Parts become integrated into an asset, and their labels are reset to reflect their new role.

Time Cards & Time Entry Labels:

Time card labels help organize and track time spent on specific tasks or activities. Time card labels can be customized based on type of work performed, the project or work order associated with the time entry, or any other classification relevant to your organization.

  • Assign and unassign multiple labels to time cards and time entries.
  • Monitor time card history for time card related data.
  • Filter and search time cards and time entries based on multiple label combinations.

How to Configure Labels:


Click "Settings" at the top of the global navigation page.


Click the "Configurations" tile.


Select "Labels".


Here you will see potential labels for each group. Click on the labels to define which color is associated with what action.

Click on the dotted icon on the right of the label to edit the label.

Edits can include color, activate/deactivate label, clone, move to top, move to bottom, and edit the name of the label.

Note: There are Tenna pre-defined labels that can be either used as is, deleted, or repurposed.

How to View Audit History:


Click on the entity you are going to view the history for, such as asset, time card, or part.


Click on the "Clock" icon next to the labels on the entity.


The label history log will be displayed.

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