How to Complete and Submit a Work Order (App)

Once a work order is created and assigned to a mechanic, the mechanic will receive a notification and can then begin working on the work order.

Permission Requirements: Users must be assigned as a mechanic in the work order to be able to complete and submit the work order for approval. To be assigned as a mechanic, the user must be a power user or have the "Edit Work Order", "View Work Order", "Create Maintenance Request", "Edit Maintenance Request", and "View Maintenance Request" permissions.

💥Work Orders are part of a premium product, Maintenance, and requires a separate license. Please contact your Account Manager for more information on premium product licenses or reach out to Customer Support at [email protected] or call 888.836.6269.


On the dashboard, scroll down to the "Assigned Work Orders" section.


Click on the work order you want to complete or click "View All" to find and select another work order.


Click "Start Work Order" at the bottom of the screen.


Click "Yes, Start" to confirm.


Edit the work order as needed.

See How to View and Edit Work Orders (App) for more information.

Pro Tip! Fill in as much information as possible, even if it is not required, to help with documentation and reporting.


Click "Send for Approval" at the bottom of the screen.


Click "Yes, Send" to confirm.

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