How to Use Offline Mode (App)

Offline functionality is beneficial when you are in a remote area that does not have a strong cellular signal. The app in offline mode holds the information gathered by a QR scan or registered ping from a BLE beacon and then prompts the user to upload once they have entered an area with cellular service.

Permission Requirements: All app users have this functionality.

Important! Users are only able to scan TennaQR and/or store pings from TennaBLE without cellular coverage/internet connection (i.e., offline mode). Users will NOT be able to perform other actions (like scanning inspection QRs or submitting inspections) without cellular coverage/internet connection.


Click on the camera icon on the bottom of the screen.


Scan assets as usual.

You can scan QR tags and the app will continue to autonomously pickup BLE pings while in the offline mode as normal. The information will be stored locally on your mobile device. Once a cellular connection is re-established, the user will be prompted to upload the scans to Tenna. 

The app will:

  • Log GPS location (using the device location)
  • Log Date and timestamp
  • Tally up the total number of QRs scanned and BLE beacons picked up while offline

To see a breakdown of the tallied assets scanned while offline, click Offline Scan Report.


Once your network connection has been re-established, review the Offline Scanner Summary.

NOTE: The app will automatically show the Offline Scanner Summary once a connection has been re-established, requiring you to take immediate action to send the offline updates to the platform, or you can access the report from the scanner page. 


Click "View Report" to view the Uploaded Scan Report.


If the screen shows errors on the Uploaded Scan Report, review and correct the errors.

Click the arrow next to a scan identified as an error to review and correct the error.

This will open a map screen. You can move the map to drop the pin in the correct location.

Click "Confirm Scan Location" to complete this step and upload the scan to Tenna. 

Click "Done" at the bottom of your Offline Scanner Summary screen once you have reviewed your offline scans and corrected any errors, if applicable.

Once you click "Done" your app will return to the default screen.

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