How To Reschedule or Cancel Upcoming Preventive Maintenance (Desktop)

What: Upcoming Preventive Maintenance services appear in the Maintenance under the Upcoming Preventive Services which shows all of the services that exist in packages across all of your assets and their Next Service date. By default, this page is filtered to show the nearest upcoming "Next Service" date. You may also use the search bar to search the list for upcoming services for specific assets.

When a service comes due, a Maintenance Request is automatically triggered on the Maintenance Request page. 

To address upcoming preventive maintenance when you do not intend to perform service based on the initial trigger schedule, follow these steps to reschedule or cancel.

Who: Mechanics, Equipment Managers and any other users with upcoming preventative maintenance permissions.


This can only be done in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Step 1. Select "Maintenance" on the left side navigation.

Step 2. Select "Upcoming Preventative Maintenance" in the upper right corner.

Upcoming services, if any, will be displayed. 

Step 1. Select the "Clock" icon under Actions for the service you'd like to reschedule.

Step 2. Complete the "Reschedule" form.

Use the calendar to choose another date for this service.

Step 3. Click "Reschedule."

The "Reschedule" button is grayed out until a date is selected. 

Step 1. Select the "X" icon under Actions for the service you'd like to cancel.

Canceling this service reset the trigger clock and Next Service date. 

For example, if you cancel an upcoming service with a MONTHLY recurrence that is scheduled for tomorrow, it's Next Service date will change on the Upcoming Preventive Maintenance table to next month. 

Ex: Next Service Date: 04/06/2020

Cancel and Reschedule

Next Service Date: 05/06/2020

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