How to View, Edit or Delete a Service (Desktop)

What: A Service is an individual routine maintenance activity (such as oil changes or tire rotations) with customized and pre-configured triggers and reminders. Services are added to a Preventative Maintenance Service Packages and then applied to assets.

Who: Services are part of Tenna’s Premium Feature: Maintenance. Accounts must purchase the Maintenance license to access this feature. Users with the “Maintenance Settings” permission can manage services.

Where: Access the existing Services grid by selecting Settings in the top navigation bar, then selecting the Maintenance tab.

Services Grid Overview

The following data is available for each service:

  • Service Title: Title of the service
    • Must be unique. No two services can have the same title.
  • PM Service Package: If the service has been assigned to a PM Service Package, the title of that package will be here.
  • Created By: User that created the Service.
  • Service Trigger: Timed, Usage/Hours or Usage/Miles
  • Timed Frequency: If Service Trigger is Timed, the frequency chosen will show here.

  • Trigger Value: If Service Trigger is Usage, the trigger value for x hours or x miles will show here.

  • Ending At: If an optional end date or end hours/miles value has been submitted, that value will show here.
  • Service Occurrence: One Time, Recurring, Daily, Weekly, Monthly or Yearly
  • Service Triggered Based On: (Usage based only) Will show the selected Scheduling Preference: Original Service Value or Last Serviced Value
  • Reminder: Hours, Miles, Days or % prior to service that the Reminder will send.
  • Recipients: Who will receive the Reminder.
  • Modified: Date and time the Service was last modified.
  • Modified By: User that last modified the Service.
  • Created: Date and time the Service was created.

How to View Service Details


In the Service Grid, select the "eye" icon in the Actions column next to the Service you would like to view.


Review Service Details

The Service Details page includes Service title, description, trigger, occurrence, trigger at, reminder, recipients, created date, created by, modified date, modified by, and the Change Log.

The Service Details Change Log is a log of all of the modifications that were made to a Service since it was created. Details include each modified date and time, who modified it, and what they edited.

How to Edit a Service


In the Service Grid, select the "pencil" icon in the Actions column next to the Service you would like to edit.


Edit the Service.

You can edit any field of your service. View How to Create a Service (Desktop) for details on each field.


Select Update Service Trigger

Select to keep any scheduled instances or override any schedule instances.

Note: A service is considered "scheduled" once the PM Service Package has been created and started.

How to Delete a Service


In the Service Grid, select the "trash can" icon in the Actions column next to the Service you would like to delete.


Select to keep scheduled instances or delete all scheduled instances.

Note: A service is considered "scheduled" once the PM Service Package has been created and started.

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