How to Edit and Delete Preventive Maintenance Package (Desktop)

What: How to edit or delete a preventive maintenance package. 

Refer to How to Create a Preventative Maintenance Service Package (Desktop) for information on creating a new package.

Who: Users with the "Edit/Update Maintenance Request(s)" permission can edit existing preventive maintenance packages. Users with the "Delete Maintenance Request(s) permission can delete existing packages. 


This can only be done in Tenna on a desktop, not in the Tenna App.

Step 1. Select "Settings" from the top navigation bar.

Step 2. Select the Maintenance tab.

Step 3. Navigate to the "PM Service Packages" page.

A. Edit a PM Service Package. 

Locate the service package you would like to modify from the list and select the pencil icon under the Actions column.

Make your edits. 

You will be brought to the PM Service Package form where you can make the following edits:

  • Select new services to be included in the service package. 
  • Deselect existing services to be removed from the package. 
  • Assign the service package to an new asset category. 
  • Re-configure the service triggers or recurrences. 

Refer to How to Create a Service (Desktop) for more information on creating a service.

Select "Update PM Service Package" to save your changes.  

B. Delete a PM Service Package.

Locate the service package you would like to delete from the list and select the trash can icon under the Actions column.

A pop up will appear. 

Select an action for the currently scheduled services included in this PM Service Package. 

You have two options:

  • Do nothing, keep scheduled instances: this keeps the currently scheduled recurrences on the schedule, but deletes the package and cancels any future recurrences
  • Delete all scheduled instances for services comprising this package: this deletes all currently scheduled services. 

Click Delete. 

Note: A delete can not be undone. 

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