How to Create a Work Order (Desktop)

A work order is a collection of one or more maintenance requests for a single asset that must be worked on by one or more mechanics within a specific time frame.

Work orders aid in keeping track of many maintenance requests so that assets get the attention they need. They also aid in scheduling task lists for mechanics. For a mechanic to be able to work on multiple maintenance requests for one asset, those maintenance requests must be added to a single work order. 

Users with both the Add Work Order and Add Maintenance Request permissions can create work orders. 

Users can create a Work Order by following the steps listed below, as well as from the Assets page. To create a Work Order from the Assets Page, either click Maintenance, Work Orders, then Create Work Order. Or click Create at the top of the screen and click Work Order in the dropdown.


If you are trying to create a work order from the Tenna App, see How to Create a Work Order (App).

Step 1. Select "Maintenance" on the left-side navigation.

Step 2. Select the "Work Orders" tab at the top right of the screen.

Step 3. Select "Create Work Order" at the top right of the screen.

Step 4. Fill out the Work Order Details.

At the top of the page under "Create Work Order", users can add any notes or attachments related to the work order.

Click "Notes" to add any important notes for the mechanics working on the work order.

Users can also click "Attachments" to add any files or pictures to the work order. Up to 30 files total can be added to each work order. The size of each file should be 10MB.

Accepted files include the following:

  • Select Asset: Select the asset you are creating a Work Order for by clicking the asset search field. A drop-down menu will appear with a list of assets.
  • Work Order Title: The Work Order Title will begin with an autogenerated 5-digit number that is generated by Tenna. You can add text to the Work Order title after the generated number.
  • Work Order Number: This field is functional when your system is integrated with Vista.
  • Work Order Status: The status will update as the Mechanic works through the Work Order.
  • Work Order Type: This field is optional, but helpful if the user is looking to categorize Work Order requests. To create the specific categories for this field, go to Settings > Configurations > Maintenance.
  • Work Order Priority: Assign High, Medium, or Low priority to this Work Order.
  • Description: Enter any details relevant to the Work Order.

Pro Tip! Title the Work Order with what needs to be done to the asset, such as "Oil Leak" or "Bumper Repair". This will help give the Approver and Mechanic(s) a quick idea of what the issue is before they dig into the specific notes listed in the Work Order.

Step 5. Fill out the Schedule & Assignments Section.

  • Scheduled Start: Assign a Scheduled Start date/time to the Work Order. The time will default to All Day until a specific time is entered in the time slot.
  • Scheduled End: Assign a Scheduled End date/time to the Work Order.
  • Mechanics: This is optional, you can assign none, one, or more Mechanics to this field. Click the field and select the Mechanic(s) of your choice from the drop-down menu. Choosing a specific Mechanic will give them permission to view/update the Work Order.
  • Approvers: Select the Approver from the drop-down menu by clicking the Approver field.

Pro Tip! Those normally assigned to the Approvers field are Shop Managers, Equipment Managers, or positions related to the ones listed. Have designated Approvers and Mechanics that are generally very involved in this process to avoid any confusion.

Step 6. Fill out the Billing & Cost Summary Section.

  • Bill To: Specify how the Work Order will be billed by choosing Asset, Site, Outside Customer, or Non-billable. Choosing the "Site" option will provide a drop-down for the user to choose which site they want to bill.
  • Billing and Invoice numbers can be added, but these are optional fields.
  • Cost Sections: These will be filled out by the Mechanic and the total cost of the Work Order will be Calculated.

Step 7. Click "Create Work Order".

Your new work order will appear in the work orders list with the status "Not Started".

A notification will be sent to the appropriate users that the new work order has been created, as well as to the mechanic(s) assigned to that work order. 

The status of the maintenance request will be updated to "In Progress".

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