Accounting Integration: Viewpoint Vista Instructions

Tenna Integration Instructions for ViewPoint(R) Vista(TM)


Tenna's integration with ViewPoint Vista (through Ryvit) provides contractors with the construction-specific solutions they need to streamline project workflows, gain deeper insight into financial health, improve collaboration and digitize operations.

  • Unlike other integrations, the Vista integration does not require a login connection
  • Back end connection through Ryvit (unless changes take place)
  • Front end shows which items are connected once integrated

Connected Data

  1. Sites - read only in Tenna - coming from Vista
  2. Assets - bidirectional - flows both ways

A 'lock' functionality is implemented to certain elements and actions to avoid bad data (E.g. Edit Site needs to be blocked if a true Vista<>Tenna integration is enabled to local mismatch vs. Vista's system of record).

Enabling the Integration within Viewpoint Vista

This process is handled within the Vista application

Step 1. Select Cloud or On Premises

Let Customer Success representative know if you choose Cloud or On Premises.

Step 2. Run Queries

Work with Customer Success rep to run queries on your Vista company, assets and sites.

Step 3. Review results

Tenna and Customer jointly review list of query results to determine information quality and completeness.

Step 4. Installation Instructions

Tenna will provide customer with connector installation instructions (Powered by Ryvit) based on Cloud or On Premise

Step 5. Install Ryvit Connector

Install Ryvit connector to enable link between Viewpoint Vista and Tenna.

Step 6. Confirm Category

Collaborate with Tenna Customer Success Manager to confirm asset category and sub-category hierarchy so that assets can be placed accordingly.

Step 7. Data Connection

Tenna initiates data connection.

Step 8. Data review

Collectively Tenna and customer review data to make sure it is accurate.

Enabling the Integration within Tenna

Step 1. A Power User must be logged in to establish the integration.

Step 2. To identify or add a Power User in Tenna.

Note: If you already have Tenna Power User credentials, move on to the next step.

  1. For help identifying a Tenna Power User, contact Tenna Customer Success at (833) 50-TENNA.
  2. To add a new Power User or modify an existing user, follow these steps:
    1. Video: Add User
    2. Video: Modify Permissions

Step 3. Click on Settings in the top Global Navigation.

Step 4. Click on the Integrations tab.

Step 5. Select ERP from the Integrations landing page.

Step 6. If this is your first integration setup, a Disclaimer acceptance window will open.

  1. Please review and when finished, click Accept.
  2. Note: After a Power User accepts this on the company's behalf, the disclaimer will not be displayed again.

Step 7. If the integration connects successfully, Connection will be shown on the screen.

Your Asset information will now begin to flow bi-directional from Tenna to Procore and Procore to Tenna.

Support: For questions, reach out to the Tenna Integrations Department [email protected].

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