Mobile Release Notes: March 8, 2023

At Tenna, our biggest priority is our customers. We hear you, we understand your concerns, and we're constantly striving to make Tenna more powerful and easier for you to use.

We are pleased to announce the following updates and enhancements to the Tenna Mobile App!


Please update your Android or iOS version of the Tenna App so that you can utilize all of the following updates and enhancements! 

Create Work Orders

Users can now create and edit Work Orders in the Tenna Mobile App! Access and create or edit Work Orders via the Work Order List, More Menu, or Maintenance Request Details pages in the Tenna Mobile App. 

Edit and Make Updates to Work Orders in Tenna Mobile App

Users can now edit all aspects of the Work Order Details right in the Mobile App by selecting the Edit button. The new Make Updates button allows user to update Maintenance Requests and Parts and Labor Costs for the Work Order. 

View How to View and Edit Work Orders in Tenna App

Manage Maintenance Requests from the Tenna Mobile App

Users can now select the Manage button to create a Work Order directly from the Maintenance Request Details page!  No need to jump to different pages within the App. Users can also access all the actions for a Maintenance Request from the Manage button, including resolve, decline and delete. 

View How to View and Edit Maintenance Requests in Tenna App

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