IFTA Report by Vehicle (Desktop)

What: The purpose of the IFTA Report by Vehicle is to allow you to view your International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) report organized by the applicable vehicles and trucks in your fleet (vs. by jurisdiction or fuel type which are available as separate reports).

Who: All users with the Fuel Reports & Details permission turned on can see the IFTA Report by Vehicle.


This report is part of the IFTA premium product and only accessible if you have purchased the IFTA license.

How to Find the IFTA Report by Vehicle

There are 2 ways to find the IFTA Report by Vehicle.


Select "Reports" on the navigation on the left and select the eye icon next to the report under Fuel.


Select the report from the Reports dropdown shortcut at the top of the screen under Fuel.

IFTA Report by Vehicle Overview


This report is not tracker-based. Assets must be configured as IFTA-Compliant to pull into the IFTA reports. This can be accomplished when adding or editing an asset, under the Fuel section of the Add Asset page or Edit Asset page within Asset Details, which is available for assets categorized as a Heavy Truck or Vehicle.

See How to Configure IFTA for your Assets (Desktop) for more information.

Results in this report are grouped by asset with multiple jurisdictions nested beneath. Select the arrow to the left of the asset name to view the additional information.

The following information is included in the report:

  • Asset: Asset identifier by fleet number and name.  
  • Fuel Type: Indicates the fuel type used by this asset, as determined by the Fuel Type field on the Add or Edit Asset form for this asset.  
    • Choices include gasoline, diesel, liquid propane, electric, ethanol, compressed natural gas, gasohol, methanol, liquid natural gas, E-85, M-85, and A-55BD. 
  • Jurisdiction: 48 participating states in the USA and 10 providences of Canada. This field will also reflect non-IFTA jurisdictions when miles are reported outside of a mandated jurisdiction, such as South America or Washington DC. 
  • Country: United States or Canada. 
  • Org Sublevel 1: This begins an expandable column group that the asset is organized within, starting with the highest level of the Org Chart. Expanding the column group displays Org Sublevel 2 and Org Sublevel 3.  
  • Non-IFTA Miles: Total miles this asset traveled within jurisdictions that are NOT subject to the IFTA mandate during the selected date range.
  • IFTA Miles: Total miles this asset traveled within jurisdictions that are subject to the IFTA mandate during the selected date range. 
  • Bottom Row: Totals for all vehicles: Total Non-IFTA miles and IFTA miles across results for the current date range. 


If Data Access Controls is enabled on your account, users will only see the assets to which they have access when viewing this report.  

The default range for viewing the IFTA Report by Vehicle is the current quarter. When first entering the report, "In Progress" will be displayed across the center of the page as the report for the current quarter is still in progress. Adjusting your date range to the previous quarter will show a completed report without the "In Progress" note.

To change the date of the report, use the date picker at the top of the screen. You can run the report on a previous quarter or a custom date range. A max date range of 365 days’ worth of results can be selected, however, the report will only search back to the time when the IFTA license was enabled on your account and assets were configured for IFTA. Results are shown for the account time zone. 


The “Include IFTA Miles & Non-IFTA Miles only for assets that crossed state lines” checkbox is available for personal preference. If you want to know which trucks crossed state lines (what needs to be reported per IFTA mandate requirements), checking this box will filter out any IFTA-enabled assets that reported trips but did not cross a state line. 

See How to Run, View, Filter, Sort, Save and Export Reports (Desktop) for more information.


Confirm if the checkbox for "Include IFTA Miles & Non-IFTA Miles only for assets that crossed state lines" has been selected. This can be found under the date picker drop down at the top of the report. When this checkbox is marked, IFTA-enabled assets that did not cross state lines will not appear in the results. Also, confirm the assets have been configured as IFTA-Compliant. If they are not configured, the assets will not pull into the IFTA reports. See How to Configure IFTA for your Assets for more information.

Contact your Tenna Account Manager about your options in this case.

Yes, there is no limit to the number of assets that you mark as IFTA compliant.

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